

By on December 1, 2010

My bro is getting married this weekend and im all excited about it. I always love wedding since i was little. With my dad’s job nature he is often away and leaving my mom to attend weddings alone. Thus yours truly was the one that accompanied her to weddings whenever dad is not around.

As my bro’s wedding approaching near, it reminds me of my wedding. I was still student back then, 2 more semester to go; my final year. Thus i was very  lucky as everything was done for me :D. I didnt have the wedding jitters as i wasnt really involved in the preparation..sedar2 dh siap..hihi. As i was staying in the hostel, each time i come back for weekend, things dah siap. So bile org tanye “tak panic ke?” i was like “eerrr okay je, sbb each time balik i see great progress…” i need not do any thinking like “alamak bunga telur camane, mekap macam mane, baju macam mane?” My mom was superb in handling all that despite its her first wedding she handled. I was the first among my siblings to get married.

Oh there was a particular time i got panic, it strike in me “am i really getting married??”, that was a day before the akad…when i look out the window from upstairs and saw all the khemah was up tutup jalan…time tu baru lah dub dab dub dab.

And on the akad day itself (akad was malam) so pagi tu people came to help with the last minute thingy..baru lah cam, wuishh they are here for me. A lil *panic mode* then. Alhamdulillah everything went well. Dad die the khutbah akad himself, the solemnization pun done by dad and also followed by the doa. Alhamdulillah, everything done by dad while the imam sat by the side. It was very personal to see dad did everything.

Oh i actually did my own ruling, not to see syauQi starting a week from the wedding date. Dgn die tak penah tgk me with make-up and all, it was indeed a surprise for him to see me in my akad attire.looking like a real lady instead of the usual gal in jeans n tshirt 😀

Anyway,when my brother mentioned 2 months back he nak kawen, i was telling mom to make sure its after feb coz i’ll be in my pantang, oh tgk2 that’s not into consideration…(kidding, hahah.) Wedding is in dec, so i wont be in pantang but heavily pregnant instead. and the first thing strike in my head was “ohh noooo camane nk vogue with an 8 months tummy, baju ape nk pakai” hahah, berangan nk vogue lah pulak, walhal heels pun tak penah pakai.

It wasn’t easy to find a dress for my girl, bile taknk tu slalu je nmpak…but when u need it, u search high n low pun tak nmpak. Managed to setlle with a dress although i had something else in my mind, tapi tak jumpe2.

Hoping that despite the 8 months tummy, i can still look good during the wedding 😉 AND making lotsa prayers baby wont pop out anytime soon as i wanna attend the wedding!!!

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28 months sleeping hours?

By on November 25, 2010

Remember this post on their adjusted bedtime? Im still sticking to the rules i mentioned. But somehow uZair’s body dah immune to those rules. I have to shorten his nap from 1.5 hours to 1 hour BUT yet he is still active at night. The same method is working well with elder 2. Infact even if hArith exceed his 1 hour nap, he still have no prob sleeping by 8-ish pm.

Last night i thought i gonna have an early night coz uZAir did quite alot of energy-burning-activities. He woke up around 730am and left for school by 9am. We fetched him at 1230pm and headed straight to tesco with all 3 to do some groceries shopping. He fell asleep on the trolley and had a total of almost an hour nap. We came home almost 2pm and he had his lunch (2nd lunch for the day, he had his lunch meal at school already). By 330pm he was already out at the patio running and jumping bout on the trampoline. Came in and out every now n then. By 5pm he was in his sandpit and we decided to go over to my inlaws. We left the hse almost 6pm and the minute we arrived, all 3 jump into their tukwan’s wadding pool. Had bout 40 mins of water splashing, after a shower, continue running bout in the house while having his dinner and we head home about 715pm.

In tukwan’s wadding pool in which the kids requested for bubble in it, wah ingat bathtub kah mau bubble bath? Purposely didnt fill up the water full for safety reason.

He look rather sleepy so i thought he would doze off in the car, but oh boy i am wrong. Reached home, he was still actively jumping about. Yes,literally jumping high up on the bed as though he was on the trampoline. Lights off by 740pm. Elder two nicely tucked in and fell asleep by 830pm but he was still screaming n jumping.

Ended up sleeping at 11:15pm!!!

Where does the energy come from? No chocolate given during the day….

He is 28 months old, shouldnt he be getting more sleep than that?

So now i should stop him from having nap? I have cut from 1.5 hours to 1 hour but yet he is still full of energy like those bunny energizer…

Hope Allah will reward me in the Hereafter for all the hardwork and patience in raising these 3 toddlers ager 3 and below, insyaAllah. Ameen

Fuhh next year it will be 4 toddlers under the age of 4! Sounds crazy aight! Wish me luck!

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New Watermark

By on November 24, 2010

I wanna do a new watermark for my photography, need some suggestion here please…

What colour matches well with my current light turqoise?

Pink looks okay with it, any other colour besides pink?

I thank you in advance 😉

was giving this a try…is this okay or should i just change everything to a different colour?

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Islamic Kindergarten

By on November 16, 2010

Im searching for a new kindergarten for my kids, an Islamic English medium. Few recommended Genius Aulad, although i heard good review of the school but the branch nearest to my place is in Kota Damansara and their centre is a shop lot…im not keen coz i think for my kids’ age they need ground for outdoor activities.

2 weeks back, we went to CIC Open Day (Childr3n Islamic C3ntr3) wasn’t really happy with the school coz (no offence to those who send their kids’ there, this is a matter of personal preference):

1. the teacher to student ratio is 1:20. I think this is possible if the kids are 5 , 6 years old coz they have settled down. But 20 of uZAir to a teacher??

2. Its a bungalow house, so i asked max how many students you can take in, and the answer was 150 kids. I just can’t imagine 150 kids in that house

3. When husband asked does the teacher keep on changing? The teacher was being very honest telling me, most teachers are SPM leavers coz they can’t go anywhere with their qualification, thus they usually stay longer there as compared to degree holder, the turn over rate for degree holder are high coz they take that place merely as a stepping stone b4 getting a proper job.

4. And another major turn off was when we saw their meal menu, for snack in the morning, they serve alternately different drinks on different days; milo (still acceptable), tea (?) and tea susu (????) Are they for real serving 2, 3 year old boy tea and tea susu? Org tua minum tea pun bleh angin ni kan lagi budak. As for food, i saw cucur udang n cucur pisang among it. And for lunch i only saw half of monday menu, i was so shocked that i didn’t manage to read the rest of the menu before the teacher flip the pages; Nasi + TOM YAM AYAM

Any suggestion of Islamic English Medium Kindergarten? Was thinking of sending them to Itqan but they don’t take uZAir’s age and it will be a problem to send the kids at 2 different school in the morning.

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