About a year ago, my mom’s maid who have been working with us for more than 10 years told us her eye feels “heavy”. She also mentioned about her affected eyesight. Mom then brought her to UMSC to see eye specialist Prof Angeline. The standard procedure upon seeing the doctor consists of the basic check up ; get her to read the letters on the board and also check her blood pressure. We were surprised to find out her BP was very high, it was 240 (as opposed to the usual of 120).
Prof said her eye sight was affected due to her high BP. Prof did mentioned about having a surgery for her, as she was diagnosed with cataracts. Meanwhile she was given medication for both, her BP as well as her cataract.
A year have passed, and BP drop with the help of doctor medication but her last check up in June, Prof confirmed that a cataract surgery need to be scheduled for her after her next check up (in October; last week). Of coz she gets panic upon hearing the word surgery. My mom wasnt around then, (followed dad who was posted in Jeddah for a year), i called my mom to inform of maid’s condition and suggested why not give Usana Visionex a try. No harm trying afterall Prof said a surgery need to be done, who knows if Usana can help improve her cataract, if it doesn’t then will just have to proceed with the surgery. In July i bought her the Usana Visionex, she is now into her 2nd bottle of Usana Visionex.
Came last week, she reminded my mom of her appointment. Wah, she even told my mom that it can be her last appointment, after this just take the supplement i’m giving : “cik lepas ni takyah pegi dah, makan ubat hanim kasi je,mata dah tak berat” Afterall she said,the past 1 year not much of improvement and besides the fear of having to go through the surgery, she feels bad that mom have to spend for her medical fees. So she suggested that,to go for the last check up and need not scheduled for another check up, instead to continue with Usana Visionex.
Mom said, we have a look first of your eye condition and decided late . And oh to our surprise wow , during the check up her eye condition improve a lot and no longer need to undergo surgery. Alhamdulillah. Maid pun senyum panjang lah takyah surgery!
This was how the graph for her eyes looks like, tgk the circle tu..looks like sunny side up egg (telur mata kerbau), the orange with big white circle patch in it indicates how swollen her eyes were. This was the graph back in June 2010

And here’s the recent graph of last week’s check up; The “sunny side up egg get smaller and the white circle in the orange circle is already smaller)

Here’s a lil close up of before and after

Look how swollen the left picture below, big white circle in the orange circle and on the right side you can only see a lil of white circle.

and this graph below, the one before you can see very obvious jaggered line and rocky below, and in last check up the jaggered have also improved and only one “rocky stone” left

Now that we have help with her eye condition, i told my mom we have to counter the root problem; which is her High BP. So gave her the Usana supplement for High BP too. Will see how it goes from here, insyaAllah.
** syauQi asked if i wanna go anywhere for a short trip, say 2 nites perhaps coz he have long leave for Raya Haji, of coz i would like to go somewhere but i kind of “phobia” now after our trip to ClubMed. Spend soo much but yet a stressful trip. We went to A’Famosa 2 years back because they had quite a good bargain but it didnt turn out that well, poor quality service. We didnt complain much coz for the money we paid, it was tolerable. So we thought going to ClubMed a five star resort, things will be better…but yet it didn’t. In fact even worse. So bayar murah pun camtu, bayar mahal pun camtu….so where should we go. How come this only happen when we go for local holiday? Any suggestion where can we go that wont disappoint us? Number one priority…where food is convinient. Oh so far Hyatt Kuantan never disappoint us…alhamdulillah
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