Yes, ive been “shouting” and flooding my twitter about babywearing, asking what is best. We used to have baby bjorn but we let it go coz we thought we no longer need it. To our surprise just couple of weeks after we let it go i came to know that i am pregnant. Haha, so much of being confident “im done” hahhaha.
Nway, was looking for another babywear and came across ergo. Well i dont foresee that i’ll be wearing the baby all the time coz im number 1 fan of strollers. Yes when u have 3 toddlers to move about in the mall, you will be sooo thankful to whoever invented stroller. Especially the twin stroller 😀 However, in case baby scream his/her lungs out we will then have to babywear for awhile to comfort him/her. We will need to babywear coz we need our hands to push the stroller of the other 3 kids.
As i was browsing through online, i saw few range of Ergo, anybody care to share with me the difference of ergo range. I believe they have the ergo baby carrier, ergo organic range, ergo performance , ergo baby sport. anyone can share with me wat are the difference between one range to another?
Yes i know, i should go to the shop and give it a try…but baby is not out yet and i have a dateline to propose to En Suami to get one ergo for me. So i badly need help based on reviews from moms out there.
I saw in the Ergo Facebook, these 2 came from their new range, the ergo performance
comes in lime green
and also in grey.
hmm, the limegreen abit too bright while the grey lak mcm dull…which is better for you. Bear in mind this carrier will be worn by both, either me or syauQi, so need something that is unisex
however i somehow like the pattern of the ergo organic from the older version, i like the emboidery..but do you think its suitable for men then (the emboidery pattern)?
i saw in the Ergobaby FB recently, they have new range of ergo organic, but i find that the colour is rather kusam…didnt attract my attention at all…so i gonna cross that out in my list
oh and also, do i really need the infant insert to carry newborn?
wats’ the different between these 2 infant insert?
heart2heart infant insert
ni mcm kain padded biasa je, same tak if i just gune a blanket then?
really appreciate reviews and feedback from mom out there, as my dateline is tomorrow!
oh chop, the mobywrap have nice patterns too! yummy..nak mobywrap jugak
luv this the most!
but i can never say no to blue
yummy blue with sweet lovely pattern
n i have few people recommend me to get beco…
how now?
thank you in advance 😀
*chop if i have a very easy baby, no fuss at all (AMEEN!) and i wish to let go my carrier yg nk beli ni, ade potential buyer tak? sila angkat tangan..hihi
**all pics via google