
Aidilfitri 2010

By on September 16, 2010

Just as previous years, pagi raya will be struggling to get all 3 kids ready while others go to the mosque…besides getting the kids ready, nk get the table set coz surely trus nk makan once the others smpai rumah from the mosque.

As some of you might know, hArith has the habit of picking his clothes by himself after every shower. Dont bother tell him wat to wear, coz he will ended up choosing on his own. Even the underwear he wants to choose which underwear goes with which clothes.

So after the shower, as usual he opened the drawer and wanted to pick his baju, i thought i had “brainwash” him about baju raya. He knows well which one is his baju raya and all. But that morning her refused to wear it. Fuh lukcy thing syauQi asked me to get the exact same outfit for uZAir so we can say “see, same like uzair”. At first i thought of getting a slightly different shade of burnt orange so we wont look cam beli kain satu kodi. He refused to wear his baju myu untill my father came down, coincidently wearing almost the same colour, thus i pointed out to him. He then agreed to wear the baju, when i wanted to put on his pants, he refused to wear. Die tak suke suar kain lembut2, nk kena khakis or jeans saje. I ended up switching on the tv, tunjuk org tgh takbir raya to show everyone was wearing baju myu. And finally he agreed. That was more than 3omins trying to convince him to wear his baju myu!

Bought their baju myu last minute, lucky thing found the right colour and size

One done, another 2 to handle. It took me sometime to get all 3 ready coz they hardly wear raya attire, thus refusing it. athirAh also refused to wear her kurung. Had to struggle with her too. And not to mention the struggle we had to comb her hair.

couldnt take a pic of athirAh coz she was running away from me. She could sense that we wanted to tie her hair.

Once sume dh balik frm mosque, we had a quick breakfast of ketupat, lemang and rendang before heading to my aunts hse in seksyen 14 PJ. We were there just for awhile coz the men nk rush for friday prayers and i need to go to my inlaws.

Oh we have a new saudara from America, a mualaf who just revert to Islam 2 months ago. He came to Malaysia to learn more on Islam. It was nice to hear what makes him accept Islam, he read a few phrase of the Quran translation and he said it was just impossible for any human being to write such words. He then started to learn more about Allah and accepted Islam. Alhamdulillah. We were more than happy to have him around for his very first Eid. He followed us around for visitings. He surely was amazed to see how we eat nonstop on hari raya…hihihi

By 12noon we were at syauqi’s parents. Am i not lucky our parents are nearby, mine in tmn tun and his in kota damansara 🙂

It was just impossible to take group photo. I finally gave up and put a new condition for a family photos; as long all are in the picture is good enuff, doesnt matter if they were looking at the camera or not…hihi

athirAh kept on running away. By the time i managed to get the other 2 boys with us, athirAh gone…ran away to watch tv…aiyoo

so ended up, just us…parents smile for the camera

(jgn tanye knp syauQi senyum camtu…die mmg instead of senyum die sengih…senyuman jadi senget)

Hope it is not too late to wish all of you Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir batin 😀

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Lonia Homemade Chocolate

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I was clearing up my SD card and organizing the photos and i realised i had another entry i was supposed to do for my bday. It is the Lonia chocolate!

Mrs Imran surprised me with her homemade choc. I went over to her house to pick up my chocoflake cookies that i ordered, and suddenly saw her coming out frm her hse with another xtra box. Oh my, it was her homemade choc! Lucky me, dpt bday gift cum free sample 🙂

It was already nite time when i went to her house, the photos didnt do much justice. I had to take the photos immediately once i reach home coz my kids dah nak serang the chocs.

If u wish to have a personalised choc, dont hesitate to contact Mrs Imran. Some of us are bored with the cupcakes already…perhaps its time to give choc instead to ur love ones 🙂 and who can say no to chocs aight?

The choc was fully loaded with assortment of nuts, tak kedekut punye, almond seketul2…takde nye die potong2 cinonet2 nk saving

a close up of it after i break it into half

i “disect” all the nuts out 😉

here’s hArith eating the choc,

Researchers believe chocolate cravings have something to do with serotonin , a brainchemical that makes us feel relaxed. And also i heard chocolates releases endorphins, it is a stimulant that makes you happy.

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20 weeks

By on September 15, 2010

Im entering my 20th week of pregnancy, so thats basically 5 months preggie aight? Will be seeing the doctor today for a detailed scan. Hope to be able to see the gender later. I can still remember, during 1st pregnancy…we had like a looonnng list of names, gal and boy despite not knowing the gender yet. But when it comes to uZAir, we didnt have a list at all. After giving birth, we called him Ahmad for the first couples days as we dont have any name for him yet, coz for sure it will be Ahmad something, so ended up calling him Ahmad…i think after the 4th or 5th day we came out with the name uZair. We were considering Bazli at first.

And this time around, i think it will be the same thing, even if we know the gender…we wont be having list of names like the first pregnancy. Oh btw, what sadden me is that those books with Islamic names, the meanings are not all correct. I remembered when we wanted to choose a name for uZair, we had to cross out few names as the meaning in the book differ than the real meaning. We refered to few arab native speaking ustaz, so they surely know the language well. Some of the names are not islamic origin actually. I was surprised to know, ade a name tu, the meaning is actually Naked! Yes naked!! We double checked with few arabic ustaz, and they confirmed the meaning is naked.oucchh

Hope everything goes well with my pregnancy, wondering whats my weight like, our weighing machine kt rumah kids pecah kn, so have to wait for check up to know my weight, have yet buy a new weighing machine.

Shall make prayers that everything goes well for me, insyaAllah

p/s: ideas for names are most welcome 😉

oh i was told entry tanpa gmbar boring, so here’s some unrelated photos, taken at Wow white studio b4 ramadhan

and ni activity weight lifting 16kg, hihi

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On anniversary n birthday

By on September 4, 2010

Yes, this is extremely belated post. but i decided to made an entry of it for memories.

It was about 10pm and i was still struggling to put the kids to sleep, 2 down and 1 more to go. Syauqi was away for work. Suddenly my mom came rushing into my room asking me to come out quickly. I panic, thought something happened outside. As i rushed out to the sitting room, i saw a basket of orchid.

Still clueless about it, i went nearer and saw the note.

I was blur for awhile, then mom told me someone just sent it. It was such a surprised coz all this while we dont actually celebrate anniversary. Yup, we dont…no gift, no dinner and what not. And neither do i expect any celebration. Maybe sbb dari i kecik my parents pun tak celebrate their anniversary, so i dont really look at it as a celebration date. So this time around, it surely was a surprised to know husband who was away at that time had arranged for a flower delivery to me, together with cupcakes :). He requested the flowers to be sent at 10pm coz usually by then kids dah tido.

And this was my birthday cake

As usual, kids got excited seeing cake and candles,they automatically parked themselves infront of the cake to blow the candles.

But this time around, athirAh was rather amazed when the birthday song was sang. They were happily singing and suddenly when the phrase “happy birthday to mOmmy…” athirAh look at me as though saying “oh its YOUR birthday mommy???” she kept on patting on me and said “oh mommy, mommy!!!”

and even uZair got all excited after singing the song

and i got a big birthday hug from my miracle babies 😀

*excuse the poor quality photos, it was late night after terawikh, too lazy to fix the flash and also maybe coz the one that takes photo well is in the picture…hahahah *kidding*

And oh by the way, I’m 28 years old, opss can i say 28 years young?

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By on August 27, 2010

been wanting to update about my kids but i find it dull to have an entry without photos. unfortunately my pc gone kaput, i usually organize my photos in pc instead of laptop coz there’s no photoshop oh my laptop.

gonna need to install photoshop here real soon so i can update on the kids activities, mainly their painting session and harith cookies baking session. yes harith enjoys baking kuih raya with me 😉

will update real soon ya

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