I watched this video clip sometime back, i did share the video on my facebook too. This, a reminder to all parents. A very well said video clip by Nouman Ali Khan. Please take time to listen to this clip, its less than 3 minutes
and recently i was reminded again about this, found this on pinterest
just sharing this with everyone. Dont just buy toys with for your kids, but also play with them. that is even more important. I owe this blog an entry on Uzair’s progress. will definitely have to find time to do so. Perhaps we should make a campaign of playing with our children. I read somewhere but cant remember where it was a challenge to spend 30 minutes every day for a month playing WITH your kids. Yes, to play with them…not just to sit, facilitate and watch them but rather to participate along. not while you are on the phone / facebook / twitter / instagram and such but yes to be involved. lets do that, fully engaged, and fully theirs. to enter their world of imagination
It has been a looonggg silence. My blog was badly effected by a malware and didnt manage to get it done until recently. Lots of things happen, kids are growing much faster than i knew. Uwais is no longer a baby, hArith and athirAh with their very own character. And sadly, uZair is still not talking yet. He just turned 4 few days back. Still attending his speech therapy and occupational therapy on weekly basis
Not too sure where to start since I have not been writing for months. Main highlight was our trip to Disneyland, LA and had our TRIPLE CELEBRATION 2012 early this month. Unfortunately the SD card for our US trip got kaput so we aint have any photo except for those from my phone.
Meanwhile, a lil picture updates of my lil ones. Alhamdulillah they are growing well and keeping me busy all the time, masyaAllah.
This was our mini science project during the school holiday. We did volcano eruption 🙂
Here are the things that you need to do the “volcano”;
Mineral bottle (u will need to cut the upper part)
Lotsa newspaper
glue starch ( i just mix flour and water, with pinch of salt)
tape the newspaper for the first few based then start using the glue starch to add on the papers
Oh before u start on this project, do inform your kids that it will take over night for it to dry. Or else they will keep on pestering you, “dah blum?” “dah blum?”
Someone is eager to see the eruption, checking on it every other hour
Yayy, finally 🙂
Next is to paint it. We only had red water color left though. But enough to make the kids happy
We googled for the eruption’s “recipe”. They are various recipe. It was nice to try different recipe to enbale to kids to see different variables caused different reaction.
Didnt take much photo of the eruptions since my hands were wet to hold the camera
Oh, while we were doing this, the postman came with a parcel. As i was attending to him, heard harith screaming…ran back to them to see, athirAh had poured the whole bottle of viniger as she wanted a bigger eruption… and everything spilt on the floor,
We then had a good time playing water, scrubbing the floor before the stain wont go off. And the day ends with a dip in the “pool”
Yes, how time flew by. Uwais turned 1 year old on 24th January. It really feels quick with him, maybe because his progress was rather rapid, alhamdulillah. He started crawling at 5 months plus. and walking when he was 10 1/2 months (We didnt put him on walker) He didnt really have the tah-tih-tah-tih (jalan jatuh2) moments. He mastered his standing, and when he decide to walk it was straight away 5, 6 steps. and next day it became almost 10 steps and next thing we knew he was all over the house already. His first step wasnt just 1 – 2 steps. Terus 5 steps. Alhamdulillah. Crawl cepat, jalan pun cepat…im making dua’ cakap pun cepat, no delay speech like uzair, insyaAllah.
Anyway, we decided to go out for birthday lunch. Went to Marmalade since thats among the few places that has children play section. I managed to make an impromptu bday flags to be placed at uWais’ highchair.
but unfortunately bday boy fell asleep in the car and that spoiled his mood…trus moody xnk dok kt highchair
and syauqi suggested to make the “I am 1” sign for him
awake n confused
alhamdulillah this boy eats almost everything. in fact we have a prob with that sometimes coz he wants watever we are eating. Loves to eat on his own.
Bought a cupcake for him but he refused to sit in the highchair once he was done with his linguine.
of coz it was the brother n sister that were excited to blow the candle,
and bday boy continues to cling to the dad,
oh yes, this boy is super clingy too. if kuar mmg melekat to us, takut org. padahal he is always out in social setting. we go to malls 2 – 3 times in a week. even at home he hangs on to me most of the time. Is it because Im a stay-at-home-mom, that’s why he always clings to me and refused to go to other people? he is now 8.5kg…getting a lil tiring to carry him all the time. my stamina now is terrible, terrible. Tried doing some jogging on the treadmill, wasnt a good idea, my inflammation of bone decided to come back. how do i keep myself fit if i cant do any form of exercise. helppp.
Uwais been attending infant swimming lesson since mid january. Attended 5 sessions already and we can submerge him for about 5 seconds now. Unfortunately wont be able to continue the lesson next month coz they have move to another place which will no longer be convenient for me to bring him. Trying to schedule for a new group swimming lesson. Any babies out there would love to join? I think if i can get 4 babies, we can try schedule a new group for them.
School holiday is testing my limit, kids’ sleeping hours are haywire. Harith n Uwais are morning person, regardless how late they sleep, b4 8am they will be up dh tepacak bangun leaving me no chance of sleeping in. Uwais is only 10 months but is taking less nap now since the other 3 are home, he finds it more interesting to be up to play with them. Yesterday uwais slept 5 mins to midnite, he only had nap twice during the day in which total hours slept not even close to 2 hours. Uzair as usual sleeps late and he will sleep in. Due to various sleeping pattern of the kids’, i ended up sleeping late but waking up early. Putting all 4 to sleep is a different battle everyday. At times i wonder does syauQi ever wonder how do i managed the 4 kids alone when he is away.
As i mention in previous entry, uzair likes the crashing game, now he crashes on me all the time. he is 14 kg and i’m 43kg…that’s about 1/3 of my weight crashing on me. I used to sleep before him and let him fall asleep by himself but due to these crashing seeking thingy, he tend to jump on me every now and then when i am asleep. Thus alternatively, i cant sleep but belek2 die instead, rub oil on his body and such. Asal nampak i pegang botol baby oil, wahh laju je die pasrah kan diri baring hulur kaki suruh sapu2. lepas kaki hulur tangan lak, pastu selak baju pastu hulur kaki balik….
I really need to increase my patience n tolerance level, besides getting crash onto, uwais is teething…i get bites every now n then. And he has this habit of one hand thumb sucking and the other hand grasp on my hair..ended up getting my hair pulled every now and then. Oh have i mentioned here? Uwais has started walking! He started walking a week after he turned 10 months, Subhanallah. We are rather surprised to see him walking that soon, in fact he is already busy kicking balls. He started crawling pun cepat, when he was 5 months plus. Lets hope he starts talking fast too..hihi Or at least no a delayed speech issue, insyaAllah.
No, uzair is still not talking and has his tantrums every now n then. BUT when he is without tantrums he is much of a cheerful boy. He laughs and giggles more when he is not in his tantrums. Do the crashing game with him, he will be one happy cheerful boy! It need lots of energy to play with him, he likes adventure seeking kind of play.
uZair in a cheerful mode
hArith is attending holiday programme 12 days Swimming Crash Course. Initially we enrolled athirAh too but she refused to corporate. She wanted to be in the small pool je taknk masuk the big pool. For their age, they not able to swim yet after the 12 days but they teach survival skill, i.e floating and kangaroo hope in the water. Tomorrow will be their last day. I plan to pinjam my SIL underwater camera to take few shots of them in the water. Meanwhile here are few shots i took with my phone
“Blow bubbles with your nose, not your mouth”
starfish float, he can float but not confident to do it at the big pool
kat big pool, kept telling the coach “dont let me go”
The crash course swimming lesson is at Glenmarie Golf Club 4 times a week (weekday). yup mmg mcm cari pasal namenye,have to redah jam every petang for the swimming lesson (5-6pm) But im not complaining, dok rumah with them pun just as tiring. I would love if hArith continues the swimming lesson, once a week (weekend). Currently he is at Nemo 1 level, so if smbung monthly he can masuk level Nemo 2. Syauqi doesnt seem to agree with me, he said tak baloi spend hours on the road to bawak sorang je. Well, dah age anak lain2, different anak lain needs lah kan? His exact ayat was “i want you home” im not too sure does that mean he wants me home because he wants to spend more time with me or because he wants me home as in dont-leave-me-to-handle-the-other-3 kids…hahaha. Welcome to my world syauqi 😛 2 – 3 jam jer im leaving the kids with you … it is a nice break for me 😛 (even though it means stuck in the traffic jam)
It is no doubt tiring dealing with the kids, hope besar nanti pandai lah they take care of us, parents pulak. Regardless how tiring the days are…seeing moments like this,how well they bond together…will never fail to put a smile on my face,
and sweep away all the kepenatan, (but that doesnt mean i dont grumble on how tired it is…hahaha)