
On Delay Speech , Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Developmental Paeds

By on December 17, 2011

Been wanting to share with all of you the experience im going through with my son uZAir. But each time i decide to sit down, i ended up lost of words on how to compose it. May i warn u, this will be a very “wordy” entry. will try to put photos (irrelevant) in between so u wont feel like as though u are reading a thesis…haha

Uzair is already 3 years and 4 months but has not started talking. I mention about his and our frustration in this entry. Anyway, each time i raise the issue of uzair’s delay in speech, i kept getting assurance from others ” biasa lah tu, some ppl start talking later” “ala, nanti once dah cakap, sure ckp tak benti” ” X and Y start cakap when he was 4, dont worry” . but my maternal instinct told me the other way. I was worried sick but kept it to myself n make lots of dua’ to Allah.

Beside delay in speech, he doesnt really mix with others. He likes to take two things and start knocking it together, it can go on for hours.  I was worried of autism back then but alhamdulillah he has eye contact whenever we interact with him. but i wouldnt want to be too confident and rule it out by myself without professional help. Thus i made an appointment to see developmental pediatrician. It was back in June when i called up for appointment, unfortunately there isnt much developmental pediatrician here in Malaysia, the only slot we manage to get was end october. So for those who suspect your kid with anydevelopmental issues, i suggest you call in for appointment, and if along the way, u manage to tackle the issue, u can always call to cancel the appointment. Doctor Rajini is from Sunway Medical but she is at the Baby Beyond Clinic in Bangsar Village II every monday. We got our appointment in Bangsar Village 2.

Besides the speech delay,we didnt realise other issues that should have been a concernbecause our elder 2 were premature, so we couldnt compare their development progress. now that we have uWais, we can see things that uzair didnt do when he was younger. He was lack in imitation. If we sing and do action and all, he didnt imitate  much (tapi if programme Wiggles tu, reti pulak nk imitate). he wasnt interested in toys (not much curiosity), you can bring him into Toys R Us, he will just look and show no interest at all in any of the toys. The toys we have at home pun tak hairan. Uwais yg baru 10 bulan ni pun dah reti nk main toys n rampas toys dari elder 2.

I did ask the speech therapy (uzair started going for speech therapy since May) at what point i should already be concern and brought him for speech therapy (after realizing we should have seen speech therapy earlier too). According to her, if uzair has imitation, role play and other interaction, then boleh lah if nk tunggu skit lg, coz ni jatuh under category soon-he-will-start-talking, tp since uZair dah takde sume tu, then it means mmg ade issues that need to be address. So my advice, if your anak have these signs i mentioned, or another thing is if he tends to pull himself away from crowd, avoidance and such… it is a concern. Should seek professional help. Get the appointment and while waiting for 3 – 4 months for your slots, if he out grow from the issues, you can cancel the appointment. Coz if u say takpe lets give it another 2 3 bulan camane, ha by then nk buat appointment…jenuh nak menuggu another 4 5 months

Anyway, he is attending speech therapy  at Hartamas. I was given number for speech therapy centre called Speech Help in PJ but they were full and they gave me the lady in Hartamas. Im very happy with her, and best part is, she rent a house and turn it into a centre, thus parking is not an issue. boleh park depan her house. Her fees is RM120 for an hour session. We attend once a week. Since we started with the speech therapy, we can see uzair’s improvement in terms of his interaction. Previously he wouldnt even acknowledge presence of guests in the house. at least now if my aunts datang, he will approach the guest and showed some gesture. And whenever we go to my inlaws die dah reti lah nak “bertepuk tampar” with the others. In fact although i stay with my parents, previously uzair does not has much (almost to nil) interaction with my parents, nama je duduk sebumbung. n now dah boleh miggle around with the other siblings too, harith n athirah gelak, die pun join gelak.

Anyway the developmental pediatrician diagnose uzair as Sensory Processing Disorder. “Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD, formerly known as “sensory integration dysfunction”) is a condition that exists when sensory signals don’t get organized into appropriate responses. Pioneering occupational therapist and neuroscientist A. Jean Ayres, PhD, likened SPD to a neurological “traffic jam” that prevents certain parts of the brain from receiving the information needed to interpret sensory information correctly” . ” We receive and perceive sensory input through sights, sounds, touch, tastes, smells and movements, Difficulty taking in or interpreting this input can lead to devastating consequences” And this explains uzair’s speech delay.

Doctor suggested for Occupational Therapy for uzair. We have started going for the therapy and he loves it. He is getting all the sensory sensation that he needs. The centre is full of padded mat, bean bags in which he can simply crash himself anywhere and fulfill his sensation seeking. Result in occupational therapy questionnaire showed that uzair obtained scores that indicate typical performance on auditory visual processing, vestibular and oral sensory processing BUT definite difference (more than others) on touch and multisensory processing. Some people their touch and multiprocessing is less than others, tu sbb some kids if pegang pasir pun can be painful, they also avoid glue or muds, or can be very sensitive to sound, get irrirates easily with loud sounds. But uzair on the other hand, he is seeking more than others. if nak sapu die, jgn lah sapu lemah lembut, mmg tak feel langsung for him. “One person with SPD may over-respond to sensation and find clothing, physical contact, light, sound, food, or other sensory input to be unbearable. Another might under-respond and show little or no reaction to stimulation, even pain or extreme hot and cold”. Uzair falls in the category under-respond. We were told that uzair becomes frustrated or upset easily due to confusing information from the sensory system. In some cases, the child’s nervous system is not interpreting the input in a helpful way, leading to the child’s sense of disruption with what is going on around him.

So kesimpulannye die bukan lah sesuka hati nak throw tantrum, perhaps thats the reason why my maternal instinct stops me from pinching or spanking him whenever he misbehave. i always believe he throw tantrums because he is frustrated not able deliever to us what he wants…bukan sesuka hati nak tantrums. But of coz my sister thinks the other way round, she thinks im being bias , pilih kasih…kan hanah, kan? 😛 . For now, he also attends Occupational Therapy once a week, it is RM 100 for an hour session. So for the Speech and Occupational Therapy for uzair monthly is RM880… maka dgn itu jgn lah berangan nak gi Johor Premium Outlet :P. Xpe, org kate bumi Allah ni luas, insyaAllah rezeki ade merata2 🙂

Anyway, pics above were during our trip to FRIM waterfall. Look at elder 2, they can be very sweet at times. Harith feeding athirah,

Please help us make lots of dua’ for uzair’s speech and other development progress. Thanks

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Itqan Ihtifal 2011

By on December 10, 2011

Yes, im really bad at getting this blog of mine updated on a frequent basis. Masa mencemburi saya, hahahaha. Nway, here’s an entry of the elder 2 Ihtifal. I didnt manage to get much photos though. Harith and Athirah sang different song, and when they were up on the stage, both of them were on the other ends. I couldnt run from one end to another coz i’ll be running pass all the other parents yg nk amiq gmbar pulak kang. Hence very limited photos of them.

Managed to go behind the stage to snap one, two photos. Harith became a brown chicken while athirah dressed as working people. I wonder did athirah know y she was on the stage, as usual, she is in her world…diri tegak looking at others, wondering y lah sume parents beria amiq gmbar.

all the chickens at the backstage

athirah at backstage, clueless y teacher arranging them, tp bagus duduk ikut instruction..skit pun tak restless. y lah u cannot sit still like that when i asked u dear athirah?

And performance time….

ha tgk lah hArith, conquer microphone

after the performance, i asked hArith “harith, y didnt u face infront?” he replied “because mommy asked me to sing loudly, so harith sing lah to the mic, x payah jerit, tp suara jd loud” haha

n ni athirah, “buat cantek”…skit pun die x nyanyi. diri je

The concert marks the end of elder 2 playgroup. Next year masuk K1

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By on November 28, 2011
Been wanting to update my blog on this but as usual, never had the time to do so. Better late than never aight. We had this install 2 months back if im not mistaken. Kids been climbing the laundry line outside smpai nak roboh, scout around for climbing frames for quite sometime for them. Saw some nice wood playground set from Toys R Us US but they do not do delivery to Malaysia. Went to Toys R Us Malaysia to enquire if they can bring in for us, but sadly they cant. Finally mom google up and found those playground company. Price was quite steep though. We agreed to split the bil into half with my parents 😀
Initial plan was to have the climbing frame / monkey bars joined with the slide but due to space constraint, we had to do it separately. Kids were of coz overjoyed of coz.
Uzair mmg pantang nampak pintu bukak. the minute he sees the door open, he will be running out to the monkey bars. Even if we are going out, before entering the car, sempat lagi lari ke monkey bars.
And our lil’ uWais tak padan kecik ye. He loves the slides. The height of the slide is about 1.5 meters. He goes up and slide down by himself
we didnt need to teach him, he used the same concept as going down the steps….leg first
and he will crawl up back to the steps.again and again. he just turned 10 months btw
and this is the boy who will run to the mini playground whenever he gets the chance. even if nak kuar, before masuk kereta he will run there first

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Kuantan Trip

By on October 30, 2011

For those who follow me on twitter, you might already seen me tweeting alot about athirah and beach. She would wear her swimsuit almost every other day regardless of the places we went. She went to One Utama couple of times wearing her swimsuit. Yes of coz i get lots of frowning faces looking at me, but those parents walking with kids, they gave me a big smile (im sure they know what im going through) hihi.

Athirah loves the beach. I guess she was making statement to the dad she wants to go to the beach by wearing the swimsuit almost everyday. In fact we found a solution, bought the two piece swimming attire, a top with the surfing pants, thus it wont look that obvious she’s wearing a swimming attire in public places. Anyway, syauqi had annual leave so decided to bring the kids for a beach retreat.

A big smile from athirAh when we told her we r going to the beach

Went to Teluk Cempedak Kuantan. Stayed at Hyatt Regency. We love the hotel because of the location. Food is accessible at anytime. Food is essential for my kids or else they will be cranky. And syauQi loves the mee curry at the local shop nearby ( in which we ended up having breakfast there every morning).

tgk gmbar ni rase mcm wuishh berderet anak saya, haha

We reached the hotel almost 5pm, changed the kids and off to the beach. Oh wont they happy! They were thrilled!!! Even Uwais enjoyed himself. Place him on the beach and i’m free be on my own, he doesn’t clings to me. Remember my trip to Penang, he wanted to “eat” the sand n relatives were so concerned, i told them, it’s okay, let him get a taste of it and he surely wont “eat” it again. And that was exactly what happen, he was sooo occupied with the sand and toys we brought along. He helped hArith to scoop sands on to the trucks. For a minute we forgot he is only 9 months young.

He was so amazed to see kite flying,

(photo by phone)

uZAir loves loves the sea. The waves were like a music to his ears. syauQi had problem taking care of him coz he fear nothing, he simply walk into the sea, regardless of the big wave. We then headed to the pool sbb syauqi tak larat dh nk jaga uZAir, the pool water temperature was rather warm, ideal for lil ones especially uwais. confident lak tu turun masuk sendiri, pusing masuk kaki dulu si kecik tu

Oh athirAh and her hat were not separable, loves all the shot i managed to get of her and the hat by okinokiyo

(pic by phone)

her two piece swimsuit, doesnt she look like a beach girl, no? takpe kecik2 biar merasa pakai cenggini, nanti sudah baligh, sila tutup aurat.

and harith

Now amiq gmbar hArith best coz i can atur him where to stand and he will corporate. Unlike athirAh, i need to chase her to get her shot.

And I manage to get a shot of uWais in okinokiyo hat as well

We went there with a group of friends (syauqi’s friends) for two nights and for the third nite, syauqi’s parents and sister came to join us. Dapat lah we all bernafas coz we had 6 extra hands to layan the kids. On the 3rd day it was more relaxing coz we didnt go anywhere, just laze around the hotel. Mase syauqi’s friends were around we went for food hunting. Malam makan seafood Paksu at Beserah, superb place if you are into chinese style cooking! Yummy!!! Next day we went Kemaman for tea smbil makan keropok leko and otak2.

We were out at the beach/pool average of 5 hours a day. Selagi tak gelap, selagi tu tak balik bilik. Caught athirah wanting to join the guys playing volleyball, we gave her a ball to play but she ended up in the court

(pic by phone)

We woke up with this view, masyaAllah

(pic by phone)

Before it gets to heavy to load the page, will stop here and make another blog post on the kids with their TukWan  (to be continued)

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Huggies at FitFor2

By on October 23, 2011

I dont usually attend advertorial event unless it is relevant to me. And this time around it was on diapers,baby massage and healthy living.Just the right combination that i need :). Event was held at FitFor2 so things could not be any better. I could park my elder 2 at the Kidzports (thanks to my sister for accompany them). Uzair was still asleep when we sneaked out. Upon arrival had a chat with Debbie Lee, the instructor. She asked about my pregnancy background and the minute she heard i had 4 kids age 4 years and below she said she need to do an abdomen check on me to ensure it is not apart. If it is apart, i shouldnt be doing crunches and there are certain exercise to get my abdomen back in position. I was a lil panic of coz, alhamdulillah all is fine with my abdomen.

Debbie was talking about healthy living in which it hit me…gosh i havent been doing any form of exercise for quite sometime. or can i consider taking care of 4 kids 24/7 as exercise? We did the exercise with the gym ball. And the best part of it is, all exercise involved the baby.

even when the baby is asleep, i was able to join the exercise,

we were free to take a break at anytime to breastfeed our babies. uwais sound asleep, i then continue doing the other routines

or if the kids get restless, they were free to move about 🙂

after the exercise session, we had a lady to teach us on baby massage. Uwais were already asleep thus i couldnt do any massage on him but i surely took the opportunity to learn. She even taught us how to massage for babies / toddlers / kids who has constipation problem. my girl athirah somehow has problem doing the number 2 business. I learn from the lady, did it on athirAh and wallaa she even poo in her sleep!!! In fact if u have group of mommies with babies wish to learn baby massage, you can get this lady to come over to your house.

After the 2 session, we were given snacks. Oh honestly i always look forward for such events because of the yummy food the serve. And not only it is yummy, it is also healthy food!

Sorry i was too busy getting the food on my plate that i only remembered to take photos after i have done eating, oppss.

I really should give a serious thought on attending the classes by FitFor2 at Bangsar Village 2. I can bring Uwais along, so no reason not to go. The place is really kids friendly, they have a section of toys for kids, a nice comfy sofa to breastfeed and changing table for the babies. And dont worry if you forgot to bring diapers along coz they do provide Huggies diapers for free. Yes you heard me right, for free 🙂

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