I can still remember clearly, during my childhood days i had sandpit in our house garden. Mom brought back pasir all the way from Langkawi. Having premature babies, we needed lots of developmental activities for them to catch up with their correctional age. And i believe benefit of sand play are endless. Among them are for the development of the sense of touch through the texture of the sand itself. Through sand play it also helps to develop the arm, wrist, and hand muscles, uses grasping and wrist control. Besides that by playing with the sand, the child will develop eye-hand cordination when they start pouring the sand form one container to another. And of cause this naturally Β provides for creativity and imagination.
I made proposal to syauQi in getting a sandpit for the kids. We search high and low for it. Recently i had few people asking me where did i buy my sandpit. Well, they do have it in toys r us but the one they have in toys r us cateer for single child to play in it. We needed something bigger that can fit all 3 in the sandpit.
And we came out with an alternative solution, a fish pond. Well u know those small fish pond they place in home garden. Yup this is actually a fish pond,
It consists of 2 item actually, the fiber container and a separate wooden frame to cover the fiber container. At first thought of cutting the budget, to just get the fiber container by itself btu was worried of sharp edges, so we bought the wooden frame too. You can get various sizes, i bought this at those nursery in sg buloh. most kedai yg jual pokok bunga ade gak jual fish pond ni. just tell them u want the container without any water filter system and such.
The only prob with this fish pond is that it does not have covers. Initially we made use of plywood and and a canvas over the plywood, but lame2 with our weather, it reput. So now we are using tikar getah to cover it, and so far so good π
And where did i get the sand? No we didn’t go to Langkawi. We bought it at Think Toys (formerly known as ELC) but i think Think Toys gonna close down and Mothercare took over ELC. I’m not too sure though if mothercare have the sand. You can check at Mothercare BSC coz i think they have bigger branch of Mothercare in BSC (with lots of ELC product)
We have no complain about the sand. Mase baru2 bukak die basah2 sbb compress kot, but leave it under the sun for awhile, and u’ll get white sandy beach sand in your very own courtyard/garden π
Oh talking bout my kids activities, i kind of miss my uni days where every petang confirm turun stadium. I clearly remember my first day masuk main campus, excited tgk running track kt stadium. first day dah all set nk do some running but lil did i know, pompuan takde langsung. sume laki. tp sbb dh pakai complete dgn kasut sume, cam rase ralat pulak nk patah balik bilik, so tebalkn je muka…it was akward at first, both; for me and the brothers at the stadium but after awhile i got used to it and made lotsa friend. And slowly the number of female runners increased kt stadium tu.
Smlm after the talkshow, few of my uni mate yg dh bezaman tak jumpe tegur kt fb and also here in my blog. It brought back memories of uni days. A phase of life i will never forget but never wish to return back (sbb malas nk sit for exam…hihihi)
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