
How to wean off bottle from toddler

By on September 28, 2010

This entry is based on my personal experience, i guess there is no right or wrong way off weaning off, just would like to share with you how i did as some have requested an entry on this

Basically i had few reason y i wanted to wean them of frm bottle:

  • they like to bite the teat of the bottle, where it ended up with a big hole and milk keep on spilling off on the bed
  • we ended up buying new teat for the bottles every week, and we have a dozen of bottles, ain’t cheap to repalce 12 teats every week for their Dr Brown bottle
  • hArith woke up 3 times a night for milk, i think it was more on the need to pacify on the bottle, i had enough waking up to bf uZAir so i think getting up 3 times to bancuh milk for him was abit too much, i hardly get a complete 1 hour sleep
  • i wanted to wean off uZair from BF so i was thinking not to introduce bottle to him or else i’ll have another problem later on to wean him off from bottle, so why create such headache? hihi
  • and the final reason that really made me determine to wean them off was when a couple of times i saw 5 and 6 years old kids at shopping mall pacifying on their empty bottle. i find it not a good sight to see such big kids still drinking milk, and what more just biting it pacifying on their empty bottle once finish drinking. And i think it will be more difficult to wean them off at that age as it already turn into habit. So i was determined to end it. (well of coz this is a personal preferance, some have no problem seeing 5 6 years old still drinking with bottle)

So how did i do it?

For me, most important thing was to get them involved. Let them know what’s happening. I purposely did not wash their bottle throughly so there were some stain on it. I quickly call them and showed that their bottles are dirty and made commotion out of it. And of coz a lil exaggerate here and there of how yucky the bottles are. So i told them, we really need to throw the bottles away and we get new bottles with straw like big boys and big gals (and pointed out few older kids at their kindergarten to give them example)

I then made a fiesta time out of it. I place the rubbish bin some distance from the kids and i said lets pray throw into the basket just like how we play basketball. And they get to throw it themselves, (keyword here is to get them involved) each time they miss the basket i would go  “ohhh nooo!, lets do it again” and when they hit it right in i will give such a big applause and scream “YeESSSS!!!!” and give them the biggest smile ever. They tend to enjoy the “fiesta time” and while we do so i would remind them we need to get rid of these bottles coz they are dirty, full of germs, they will get stomache if they use it.

Once the “fiesta” was over i brought them to OU and they get the privilege in choosing their new water bottle. Of coz i brought them to the section of the type of bottle they shuld get, and they choose the colour and such. If they have some their fav cartoon character then it will be easier, hunt for sure they will be thrill to have water bottle of their fav cartoon character.

Meanwhile i also introduce them to fresh milk (ducth lady) so it will be more convenient to give them instead of doing the formula milk. I introduce both, chocolate and original flavour, obviously my kids wont say no to the choc flavour. But every now and then i give them the original flavour. And slowly i reduce giving the choc and gave the original flavour more frequent. When they able to adapt to the original flavour i stop buying the choc flavour and tell them its finish, i only have the original flavour. Oh by the way their formula milk previously was not choc flavour but do u know formula milk are actually sweet? But the normal fresh milk on the other hand are not, thats why they dont like the white fresh milk at first, hence substituting it with the choc flavour while getting them used to drinking without bottle.

And alhamdulillah now i no longer give them the choc flavour but the white milk. I think it was easier because few of their friends at school drink the dutch lady milk (the older kids) so i pointed that out to them they are already big boys n gals like their friend. And innitially if they wanted to have their milk in the new water bottle i would pour it into their bottle, or if they request to have their formula milk in it, i would bancuh in their water bottle.

And surprisingly the day we threw the bottles, both athirAh and hArith didn’t wake up middle of nite asking for milk, i guess they are aware they no longer have bottle and need to sit up right if they wanna drink milk.

So basically that was how i wean off bottle from my kids. Hope this help 😉

*updated after Fiza commented and asked me, how do i get them to sleep without the bottle. Forgot to mention this part

Well initially since i was weaning uZAir off from breastfeed at the same time i wean them off frm bottle, i had to drive uZair around at nite to distract im from asking for milk. We usually return home once he fell asleep. I think that goes on for almost 2 weeks. But however there are times the elder two does not fall asleep during the drive. So once return home, i made it into a routine to get them to drink the milk form the cup before going to bed. I would say like “alrite, time for bed…jom minum susu dlm cup mcm big boy/gal” and i gave them option either to have it in the kotak (cucuk straw) or pour it into the cup (susu sejuk – kotak besar dlm fridge) or pour it into their new water bottle. hArith would usually have this routine of drinking from the cup but athirAh just not bothered, mmg trus tido saje coz malas nk minum gune cup kot…hihi

up until now, before we go to bed i would ask them if they want to have their milk. Previously with bottle, they would have up to 5 times of bottle during the day (160ml) and at night up to 3 times. but since i wean them off from bottle, they tend to eat more. (a lot more! more than i eat! seriously) so they no longer ask for milk that often

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By on September 27, 2010

The past three nites (thursday, friday and saturday) my kids’ bedtime when haywire. It was my cousin’s wedding over the weekend so we had a doa selamat on thursday nite, solemnization on friday nite and reception on saturday nite. It was really tiring for us coz the house was by the main road so we had to do headcount every 2 seconds to make sure none of them run out to the road. With the huge crowd, it wasnt easy to do head count, most of the time they were celah2 adult, so they were not really visible.

We left our hse just after maghrib and since the kids didnt have their afternoon nap, they ended up sleeping in the car while on the way to the venue. So they had their power nap, all well charged for the event. Thus there were actively roaming around, and furthermore there were already familiar with my aunts’ hse…mmg tak tau takut…they were everywhere.

I brought along my camera but obviously i didnt have much chance to snap photos.  Among the very few photos that i took…


Flower gal yg sudah ngantuk + not well

so ended up mak flower gal jadi flower gal kejap (kak jaja, im assuming i hv ur permission to put up ur photo here coz obviously u were aware i took photo of u 😉 )

and this was uZAir taking his power nap, slept in the car and continued sleeping when we arrived but soon after bgn trus segar bugar

Oh have i ever mentioned to you that we have a feeling athirAh ade sixth sense? since baby she seems to see things that we dont. During the wedding, mase pengantin masuk, there was a group baca selawat, she was looking into the direction of the group and suddenly she giggled. I asked her “why athirAh laugh?” and she confidently said “hihihi (continue giggle) dah takde dah :D” and gave me a big grin 😀 . Hmm… wallahu’alam

To my cousin, Nadzirah…

Congratulation again, sorry we had to leave early coz kami semput kejar the 3 kids…

**psst, TRIPLETS plus ONE will be on air wednesday tv3 at 11pm, a rather adult talk show i think. 3 blogger will be the guest for the show, 1 who talks about political issue, a cardiac doctor who talks more on academic issue and the 3rd guest is a non-political issue blogger (who talk craps…haha) (read:me)

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Nilam Boutique KL – Soft Launching

By on September 24, 2010

Been wanting to update my blog but time does not permit me. I notice that i update my blog more often when husband is not around. Ironic isn’t it, i shuld be be more occupied with the kids when husband is not around but yet i get to update more often. I realised this happen coz whenever husband is around, we are often out of the hse. Hence the no update.

Nway, for now husband is around so i can’t really sit down to upate my blog. But meanwhile, do head to Mrs Imran blog to know more about the Nilam Boutique Soft Launching 😀

Yup it’s becoming reality now. And at the same time i’m still searching for tailors, do leave me a line or two if you would to be a tailor for our Nilam Boutique 🙂

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Happy Birthday Alisha!

By on September 19, 2010

Last year I took photo of these lil feet…

and now these lil feet is already walking about 😀

We attended her 1st bday bash yesterday,

Alhamdulillah im back with my camera now, having great time taking photos. I had to go through the phase of “allergic to camera” during my first trimester and im very happy that the phase is over. So u can now see me clicking on my shutters again 😉

Unfortunately i couldnt take much photos coz the house ade fish pond, had to do head count every 3 seconds to ensure none of the kids swim with the fishes. Managed to take few photos though

uZair taking a rest in inflatable pool full of toys

athirAh enjoying her spagetthi

and i thought i just gave this boy a haircut? aiyooo dh panjang balik. why lar this guy susah sgt nk potong rambut…

Bday girl trying to fix her party hat,

and another 2 babies that i managed to get some shots of them while my kids were occupied with the toys,

look at his eyes and pipi, geram kan!!!!

his name is Kasheif, and his aunt was one of the paeds doctor that took care of hArith n athirAh at birth while they were in SCN (special care nursery)

and another baby, crawling in the “tunnel”,

and the cake cutting session, the birthday was a combo party together with Alisha’s aunt,

oh before that, hArith was having some role play at the “kitchen”,

when i told him , its time to have the cake cutting session, he actually ran in and took one of the toy knife gave it to me and asked me to pass it to bday girl, hihi

but i guess the knife was a lil too small to cut the cake, so bday gal cant use it..hihi

we had to make a move after the cake cutting session coz the longer we are there the higher chances my kids jump into the fish pond and also the hse byk decoration, we wouldnt want anything to gotta make our move.

Thanks for having us Alisha, again hAppy birthday to you!

and to the parents, Congratulations for surviving the 1st 1 year 😀

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Once upon a time

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Yes that’s what hArith would say if he wants us to read him a book…i guess most of his books starts off with “once upon a time” hence he refers to that term whenever he wants storytime.

Well, i guess just like any other toddler, it is rather tiring having storytime with him, he has endless list of questions to ask through out the story. and some of the questions, u really dont know how to answer…

Just now he wanted “once upon a time”…i asked him to get Tuk Ki to read to him as i was a lil too tired to entertain to his questions

Here’s the quality time spent between a grandchild and grandpa

and soon after, he started asking all kind of questions…

at times it is a wonder how kids and their imagination are 😉

Usually for bedtime, we dont have any book reading session as i have to switch off all lights or else they will never sleep. So we usually have story of Ali and Abu. Basically we chit chat instead of reading books. Ali is actually a recap story of what he (harith) did during the day. We would mentioned the good things that “Ali” did and also things that “Ali” shouldnt have done (with reasons and explanation given). While Abu is just a random story of a good boy (i.e Abu loves helping his mom, Abu share his toys with his siblings and never quarel nor fight with his brother and sister).

oh talking of that, the other day we were at syauQi’s parents house and as usual hArith akn pergi ke dapur borak2 with mak syauQi yg tgh masak. Then syauQi’s mom told us one of the conversation they had:

hArith: Tuk Ishah, tu ape? (while pointing to taik lalat kat muka tuk)

Tuk Ishah: Ni taik lalat

hArith: ah? taik lalat???? eeeii busuk! (dgn muka confused giler, wah selambanye tuk ni ngaku muka die ade taik)

Tuk Ishah: tak, taik ni tak busuk

hArith: iyer, taik busuk! taik uzair busuk!

Tuk Ishah: takk…yg ni tak busuk

hArith: eeee..busuk lah (smbil kipas2 kt hidung die nk biar tak terbau “taik” tu)

then mak syauqi said to us “mak pun dh tak tau nk jwb ape…” hihi

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