Alrite, im abit lagging here. All others dah wish raya and gmbar baju raya, gmbr kuih raya bagai but mine kena rewind skit sbb nk cerita wat happen before raya.
We decided to make a roadtrip berbuka puasa at Tg Malim, rumah arwah MakLong syauQi to visit the cousins there…i was so looking forward for it nk tgk all houses with pelita and main bunga api the kampung style, where sorang pasang mercun, pastu umah sebelah balas balik and so on. The kampung was at Felda Gedangsang. Unfortunately it was drizzling when we reached there and it continued to drizzle till pass break fast. So no pelita could be seen 🙁
It was still drizzling lightly but i just couldnt be bothered, mission nak main bunga api harus diteruskn. Petang tu bile smpai dh mintaq tlg kazen gi kedai belikn ape yg patut. I think it was rather obvious tat the adults were more excited than the kids. Tak caye cube tgk muka budak ni yg mcm kena paksa main bunga api, hahaha
after a few batang baru lah muka ade perasaan skit
ni hArith pulak takde perasaan
so ended up the adults had fun with the bunga api, experimenting different shutters…
and wishing all out there Selamat Hari Raya from TRIPLETS plus ONE (more) , sorry for all wrongdoings and salah kata.
sgt kelakar percubaan nk tulis RAYA 2010 ni, dgn huruf terbalik lah, pastu ade 4 org yg beza ketinggian, so ade yg huruf tinggi (syauqi lah tu) ade yg huruf rendah sgt…dgn tulisan cakar ayam pun ade…so ni je lah yg terbaik punye writting we managed to get. and mase ni masih tgh hujan renyai2 so takleh lah gatal nk try again and again