My Lil Caliphs Activties

Pre-Raya: Part I

By on September 14, 2010

Alrite, im abit lagging here. All others dah wish raya and gmbar baju raya, gmbr kuih raya bagai but mine kena rewind skit sbb nk cerita wat happen before raya.

We decided to make a roadtrip berbuka puasa at Tg Malim, rumah arwah MakLong syauQi to visit the cousins there…i was so looking forward for it nk tgk all houses with pelita and main bunga api the kampung style, where sorang pasang mercun, pastu umah sebelah balas balik and so on. The kampung was at Felda Gedangsang. Unfortunately it was drizzling when we reached there and it continued to drizzle till pass break fast. So no pelita could be seen 🙁

It was still drizzling lightly but i just couldnt be bothered, mission nak main bunga api harus diteruskn. Petang tu bile smpai dh mintaq tlg kazen gi kedai belikn ape yg patut. I think it was rather obvious tat the adults were more excited than the kids. Tak caye cube tgk muka budak ni yg mcm kena paksa main bunga api, hahaha

after a few batang baru lah muka ade perasaan skit

ni hArith pulak takde perasaan

so ended up the adults had fun with the bunga api, experimenting different shutters…

and wishing all out there Selamat Hari Raya from TRIPLETS plus ONE (more) , sorry for all wrongdoings and salah kata.

sgt kelakar percubaan nk tulis RAYA 2010 ni, dgn huruf terbalik lah, pastu ade 4 org yg beza ketinggian, so ade yg huruf tinggi (syauqi lah tu) ade yg huruf rendah sgt…dgn tulisan cakar ayam pun ade…so ni je lah yg terbaik punye writting we managed to get. and mase ni masih tgh hujan renyai2 so takleh lah gatal nk try again and again

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On anniversary n birthday

By on September 4, 2010

Yes, this is extremely belated post. but i decided to made an entry of it for memories.

It was about 10pm and i was still struggling to put the kids to sleep, 2 down and 1 more to go. Syauqi was away for work. Suddenly my mom came rushing into my room asking me to come out quickly. I panic, thought something happened outside. As i rushed out to the sitting room, i saw a basket of orchid.

Still clueless about it, i went nearer and saw the note.

I was blur for awhile, then mom told me someone just sent it. It was such a surprised coz all this while we dont actually celebrate anniversary. Yup, we dont…no gift, no dinner and what not. And neither do i expect any celebration. Maybe sbb dari i kecik my parents pun tak celebrate their anniversary, so i dont really look at it as a celebration date. So this time around, it surely was a surprised to know husband who was away at that time had arranged for a flower delivery to me, together with cupcakes :). He requested the flowers to be sent at 10pm coz usually by then kids dah tido.

And this was my birthday cake

As usual, kids got excited seeing cake and candles,they automatically parked themselves infront of the cake to blow the candles.

But this time around, athirAh was rather amazed when the birthday song was sang. They were happily singing and suddenly when the phrase “happy birthday to mOmmy…” athirAh look at me as though saying “oh its YOUR birthday mommy???” she kept on patting on me and said “oh mommy, mommy!!!”

and even uZair got all excited after singing the song

and i got a big birthday hug from my miracle babies 😀

*excuse the poor quality photos, it was late night after terawikh, too lazy to fix the flash and also maybe coz the one that takes photo well is in the picture…hahahah *kidding*

And oh by the way, I’m 28 years old, opss can i say 28 years young?

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My Lil Caliphs Activties

Kids Painting

By on September 1, 2010

As promised, one of the activities the kids did last week; painting. hArith been requesting for it and it was just ideal to have it since dear Azza was kind enough to get this table from carboot sale all the way from batu pahat. When i saw her tweeting about carboot sale, without further delay i replied. I requested her to hunt the little tikes table for me as i wanted to put it permenantly at our patio outsides. Save me from the hassle of bringing the table outside each time we want to have a painting session. Again, thank you azza for bringing it all the way from batu pahat, delivered it to my doorstop and her husband even help me fix it since syauQi was away. Thank you.

Here are some photos of the lil’ khalifah at work

Since its been awhile we did painting, the kids ended up with longer attention span doing it. After taking few shots, i managed to sneak out to buy dessert for break fast 😉

uZAir now sangat expert with my iphone,scrolling for his fav wiggles song in youtube. Need to charge my phone up to 3 times a day!

and this gal still does not allow us to tie her hair. we are lucky if we get to comb her hair after shower.  Our attempt to get a haircut for her also failed

and this was what happen after my attempt to cut hArith’s hair. remember the last time we brought him to A cut above, he struggled during the haircut session and the hairstylist ended up with a cut at her fingers. So this time around i tried doing it myself, though i have no idea how to cut his hair. My parents kate cam pakai tempurung a.k.a Temeggong Jugah. It took me an hour or so to cut his hair, trailing him everywhere. We even fought over the scissors. Gave him another scissors and he ended up busy cutting the grass while i cut his hair. That made it even more difficult coz he was moving and looking down all the time.

Most probably either this Thursday or Friday, there will be a shooting session with the kids. My parents AND syauQi feels that the haircut is not acceptable. So how do i get this boy to the shop to repair the “damage” i have done. Do u think this hair is acceptable for tv photoshoot?

wondering why there are without their tshirts? coz they refused to wear aprons and i could foresee that they will ended up doing body painting.

Check out athirAh’s hand

and when i reach home after getting dessert for iftar, her legs and nails were all painted. her nails were red as though she was using nail polish, hihi

Next entry will be on hArith baking raya cookies

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My Lil Caliphs Activties

Kids Baking : Part I

By on August 31, 2010

Each time i did baking, it will be hArith yg beria nak help me out while my gal will be nicely seated infront of the tv. She will only make her appearance when she started smelling cookies are already out of the oven. She’ll be running to and fro to get the cookies and back to the sofa infront of the tv, busy munching away. In most cases, the first 3 trays baked will go into their mouth. Only the 4th tray i could start keeping it in the tupperware.

Here’s hArith helping me out , scooping flour into the mixture

This was before i cut his hair, his hair was poking his eye and my sis ended up putting hairclip at his hair, haha

helping out with the jam,

and the best part was hArith happily volunteered to clean up the mess as well 😀

oh btw, im not too sure name of this cookie, got the recipe from hanah’s friend; syoozy. sadly my texture is not as perfect as hers. but taste the same though 😉

So far hArith’s fav is the choc chip cookies, coz he’ll ended up eating the hersyes’ choc instead of putting in the bowl. and also since he like it so much, the choc chip cookies are really fully loaded with the choc chip as he insists on pouring the whole package instead of using the proper measurement by cups. so yes, we have a fully loaded choc chip in the dough, real generous amount of hersyes’ choc chip.

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By on August 27, 2010

been wanting to update about my kids but i find it dull to have an entry without photos. unfortunately my pc gone kaput, i usually organize my photos in pc instead of laptop coz there’s no photoshop oh my laptop.

gonna need to install photoshop here real soon so i can update on the kids activities, mainly their painting session and harith cookies baking session. yes harith enjoys baking kuih raya with me 😉

will update real soon ya

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