
By on June 20, 2010

Been pretty occupied and no mood to update my blog lately though i have few pendings entry. I dont know where to start, can’t even think of a title for this entry.

Don’t feel like blogging due to some reason and at this point i do feel that soon my blog need a new name.

What do you think of TRIPLETSandMORE ? 😉

psst, anyone did entry on my kids’ bday? do share me the link plz 🙂

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Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE

Aqiqah : Imran Syafiq | by TRIPLETS plus ONE

By on June 1, 2010

Last saturday i left the kids to be under the care of the dad so i could go on with my aqiqah  photoshoot assignment.

Baby Syafiq was such a darl, through out the aqiqah ceremony i didn’t hear any uuhhh,  ahhh or uwekkk from him. His mom placed him in his cradle and just few mins later he dozed off to the song of the marhaban.

Although Syafiq’s mom claim the aqiqah is just a simple deco, but i love it to the bits. maybe because im a fan of fresh flower. I always think fresh flower add some spice to any occasion. It makes any occasion looks elegant to me, no?

He was wide awake when his mom placed him in the cradle, it wasnt a prob at all to leave him there

and just a few mins of marhaban, i saw him already asleep….

he must have felt the marhaban was his lullaby song…

I was so geram to see his hair so lebat, totally the opposite than my kids, (especially uZAir that is) hihi

Not a problem to do the cukur jambul, sgt lebat his rambut

It is not easy to take Syafiq’s sister’s photo, she is very shy with people. But i was so happt that i managed to create lil bonding with her to get her smling. It was priceless (to me that is…hihihi) Well hope her parents felt the same way too 😉

I was even happier when i got her to post for me

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Potty Training Mode

By on May 31, 2010

I did tweet this and do a fb shout out last night, and i just couldnt stop myself from jotting it down here.

Yesterday, before going out i got hArith to go to the loo. He sat there for awhile but did not urinate. I told him to hurry up and he said “cannot come out, penis is asleep”


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Lesson learnt

By on May 28, 2010

Last week was our fourth time bringing the kids for a drive to witness the food distribution to the homeless in KL. Each time we made a trip i explained to the kids what is the scenario all about. About the homeless. It is always hArith who showed interest AND concern.

And as some of you might already know, hArith loves domestic work, especially cooking. The other day he was having  his lunch, a bowl of chicken soup and a plate of rice with other lauk. He then started playing “masak2” with the food, scooping the rice into the soup bowl, stirring it and imagining that he was cooking. In usual case, he will ended up NOT eating the food.

So I reminded about him about the value of food

“hArith do you remember what we see in KL at night”

“people no home”

“where do the sleep?”

“on the road”

“do they have a bed?”

“no, sleep on paper” ” ppl no baju, open baju”

“why they took off their baju” (and he answer this based on his observation, i never point out on these details)

“open baju because hot” “no air-tond (air-cond)” “no kipas” “no lampu” “dark….hot”

(i was almost laughing coz looks like aircond is rather important for him, not just fan)

“do they have food?”

“no, very hungly (hungry)”

conversation stop there and i continue eating  my food. the next minute i realised that he ate all his food, plate n mangkuk all licin, he was carrying his plate n bowl to the sink in the kitchen.

Alhamdulillah, I managed to create the awareness of syukur to an almost 3 years old. Yes he do have empathy towards the homeless

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