
Fresh from the oven

By on May 21, 2010

My phone alarm rang this morning for Subuh, i was about to off it and notice i have a msg. Wan Munirah text me last nite (which i did not notice) saying that she already gave birth yesterday evening and wish to take up my Special Delivery:Fresh From the Oven package. I replied n inform her i’m available and will go over to bangi after i ship off the kids to school.

I reached at Annur Bangi at 9:40 and managed to capture the newborn photos. Yes, although only limited shots can be taken in the hospital but these few photos are among the most precious in a baby’s life. The very early hours/days of their life. Not that we only get to capture the baby’s photos but also the proud parents. Their fresh look after giving birth, enduring pain after long hours.

However, i was rather impressed to see Wan Munirah looked very radiant, and apparently the reason being coz they now have a baby boy after 3 gals! =D

And final photo shall be the photo of the proud parents 😀

Congratulations to Wan Munirah and family!

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On Banana

By on May 20, 2010

My two boys love banana sooo much. They can really eat banana. Even uZAir can actually eat those big pisang montel , two all by himself.

The other day we were out of banana and he wanted it so badly. he went to the fruit basket i the kitchen and kept asking for it. He started crying after i showed him the basket is empty. Since syauQi was out playing badminton i gave him a call, to ask him to get some bananas on the way home. thus he cut short his badminton session

while packing his stuffs, a friend ask;

fren: going home?

syauQi: ya, my wife called.

fren: y?

syauQi: she wants banana.

fren: *@!#(@!)&@(#!@#)!  (read: confused)

syauQi: ohhh no no! she called saying my son wants banana, asked me to buy some on the way home.


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Scenario of the Homeless

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Again, i brought my 3 kids for a drive to help with the food distribution of Pertiwi Soup Kitchen. But this time  around i brought my camera along, although i wasnt sure will i be able to take photos.

Fearing that they wont like the idea of me snapping their photos i didnt take out my camera until the last stop.  I really want to take photos, to share with all of you the scenario of the homeless. Thus the very last minute, i took few shots. Sorry about the photo quality, i wanted to take photo as quick as i can without causing any unwanted situation, was really afraid it was something sensitive; taking their photos.

Anyway, these were among the very few i managed to get,

psst..notice their mattress? (read:cardboard)

For furthere info, including how to volunteer and/or donate, you may visit the official facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=362167549160&v=wall&ref=ts

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A Letter from A Simple Guy (read:Homeless)

By on May 17, 2010

Some time back i mentioned about the project my mom and her friends are doing, the Pertiwi Soup Kitchen. Last night was my second night witnessing the homeless queuing up to get their meal. The first time iwent, i didn’t get down to help with the food distribution. syauQi and i brought all 3 kids for a drive in which we stayed in the car and witness the food distribution from far. It was indeed and eye opener to both of us. Yesterday, i suggested to syauQi to go for a drive again, brought another friend of mine who was interested to volunteer. This time around, the crowd have increased coz the Soup Kitchen team have identified another area of homeless, which is the Kota Raya. They sleep in the open space, with cardboard as their matress. While queuing up for their food, most of them were holding their ‘matress’. if was drizzling, therefore they haven’t set up their sleeping area, thus the cardboard in their hands. This time around, kids were in the car with syauQi while i took the opportunity to help with the food distribution.

One of the homeless actually wrote a letter to the Soup Kitchen:

12th May 2010

The Management


63, Jalan SS3/53,

Taan Suabng

47300 Petaling Jaya,


Dear Sir / Madam,


I, on behalf of all the receipients of your free dinner (though without their knowledge) write to extend our heartiest appreciation to your esteem organissation for the good deed of giving out free dinner packs four times a week to the less fortunate, both young and old at the above mentioned location. Yours truly is one of the privileged reciepients and we are thankful that we dont have to go to slepp on those nights on an empty stomach, thanks largely to kind hearted people like you. This is especially vital to humanity in a word who doesnt really care. Most importantly, you came right to us to deliver the good stuff at our dorrsetps, so to speak, eliminating walking distance which really a chore , especially the elrderly where some other NGO collection centre are based. This kind act is indeed a blessing. Need i add anymore!

You may not know of other NGO’s in the Klang Valley who give out free dinner packs during the week. We are satisfied with all the NGO’s schedule with food almost everyday of the week in the evenings except on one day in the week whereby no NGO has venture forward to distribute a fre dinner pack yet that is on a Thursday. This is one day when those without funds to buy a dinner will go to bed hungry. Hence we appeal to your kind organisation to consider giving out a free dinner pack on this particular day of the week. We understand this request may be to taxing and will put a strain on your financially and also manually, but we hope against hope you may be able to overcome all obstacles to make it a reality as we know you do have the clog, means and power to do so. Nevertheless, if this request is too difficult to fullfil we will not hold it against you , as it is you have already achieved and done so incredibly well. If this is the scenario I suggest you can then skip one of the 4 days on schedule and shift it to Thursday instead. I propose the day to be Monday as we do have another NGO giving out free dinner packs at 2100hrs at the Klang Bus Station on Monday night which clashed with your schedule on that day. In the same breadth we dont want to be obsessed as it may jeopaardise our health. We wanna live forever, dig?

No matter what your decision will be on this matter , we hope you dont see this as being disrepectdul and hope you’ll still continue to carry on your charitable deeds, as usual cause believe me, a whole lot of people depends on your food to survive. Honest!!!

Inparting, we take our hats off to all the people in Pertiwi, from the top management, to the staff, the helpers/ volunteers, sponsors and all those who are involved in one way or another in making our day a good one every time you come around us.

May the Gods bless you all.

Yours sincerely,

A simple guy

yes, its pretty amazing aight the guy wrote such a proper letter. these group of ppl are the able body but homeless. cost of living is simply too expensive for them to get a shelter. perhaps u hv seen b4 old men n women collecting recycle cans n papers from public dustbin to earn some money, they are among the homeless. spoke to one of them working as parking attendance.

if u notice in the letter, he mentioned about delivering the food packs to their doorstep. yes they call it their home.

would like to call out to all compassionate souls to come fwd. Any amount donation is most welcome , even if its rm50, and if u can mAke it as a monthly contribution to ensure the sustainability of this effort.

* Donations for Pertiwi Soup Kitchen are tax-exempted. Only RM2 to feed 1 homeless person per night. U can donate any amount u wish. Each night we go out we feed 200 people. That amounts to RM400 per outing. U can pay to PERTIWI.
RHB Bank Acc No: 2-14035-10201591 here’s the number to call 01223 63639

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My Lil Caliphs Activties

Unpredictable Weather

By on May 15, 2010

Lately, the weather have been very unpredictable. It use to be that only end of the year yg often hujan. but now it can be extremely hot early of the day and petang it star pouring. This have been the major obstacle for me to continue  my Kids in Charge.

Past few days weather was kind enough. That automatically means my kids get to play outside. They sure had fun with the water…

Wah sgt lah bersantai hArith ni, and uZair giving his cheecky look,

Since it has been raining more often than not, i decided to kill my time doing cookies. i better make full use of my mixer b4 syauQi thinks it was not worth the hassle of him carrying the mixer all the way from US. It is no joke heavy to be carrying it back, sgt lah solid molid the mixer

i notice in movies, cookies n milk comes together. do ppl really drink milk after they have cookies?

the big size cookies, specially made for syauQi, hihi

anyone have great recipes to share with me?

p/s: im thinking of having a Water Play Kids Portraiture, will there be people interested to join the fun?

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