Being raised up with a hometown in Pontian Johor, I only see ladang getah, kelapa sawit and nenas. Thus whenever i see sawah padi i’ll turn out to be real jakun. First time i saw paddy field when i was in form 4, and being married to syauQi’s whose hometown is up north in penang, i get to see paddy field more often.
We made a very quick trip to Penang for kenduri tahlil syauQi’s late grandmother (4oth memoriable day), as how my friend put it, a “touch and go” trip. we left on friday after friday prayers about 3pm+ and reached penang 715pm, the next day we were already back in kl by 820pm.
syauQi’s late grandmother’s house bukan umah kampung, kt housing area. unlike my embah’s house back in pontian where my kids were free to run around. Kids got restless coz they can’t run around. the house is facing the main road. Before leaving back to penang i decided to pay my friend’s mom a visit, where they have paddy field just infront of their house.
On the way up, hArith saw the paddy field yg belum ade pape..just air. he thought if was a pool. i explained to him, and he was like “plant got rice?? nasi putih??” They were so amazed at the greens that they refused to look at the camera
busy throwing stone in…
after much attempt asking them to look at the camera, i only got this
yup, he’ll do that face whenever i ask him to smile
they were simply busy exploring the paddy field
finally, got him to wave to the camera.
oh can u believe it, my super clingy boy have improve soo much now since i sent him to school (and wean off) in fact his teacher labeled him as Mr. Independent! Wowww weee, that is so different than at home. but then again, of coz we do notice how good he is nowadays. no more clingy. See, happily exploring all by himself
ajak balik pun tak heran, lex je kena tinggal,
siap kena dukung die sbb refuse to balik
xnk kena dukung punye pasal, baru lah tekedek2 nak balik
where is athirAh? taking her 10 nins power nap that kept her energetic the whole journey back. Great experience for the 2 boys, they love it.
p/s: hyda if you are reading this, kite makan durian kt umah kamu yer, and goreng pisang yg sgt sedap. and oh knp adik kamu dh photostat muka kamu tapi kamu skrang photostat muka najwa?
and oh..hArith sempat basuh bilik ayor umah kamu, dgn gembiranye die amiq berus menyental sambil bgtau mak kamu “hArith wash jamban” 😀
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