
Sex Education

By on May 14, 2010

Its abit to early to be teaching almost 3 year old boy on sex education aight?

yesterday, as i was potty training athirAh, hArith came in the washroom, he looked at athirAh and asked. “mane penis athirAh?”

so there goes another big word for hArith “athirAh gal, no penis, but vagina , “oohhh”

and today, again he came into the washroom while i was handling athirAh, “mommy, athirAh takde penis?”

“no hArith, athirah has vagina”


“yes, vagina”

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TRIPLETS plus ONE in action

By on May 13, 2010

Remember i mentioned before that i had a 1 to 1 mentoring session with Hafiz?

Wahh, he went the extra mile to do a video clip of me behind the screen. It even include the part where my baju kena poo poo, hihi

*ye ade siap rotan cikgu ni..huhu

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My Lil Caliphs Activties

Sawah Padi

By on May 9, 2010

Being raised up with a hometown in Pontian Johor, I only see ladang getah, kelapa sawit and nenas. Thus whenever i see sawah padi i’ll turn out to be real jakun. First time i saw paddy field when i was in form 4, and being married to syauQi’s whose hometown is up north in penang, i get to see paddy field more often.

We made a very quick trip to Penang for kenduri tahlil syauQi’s  late grandmother (4oth memoriable day), as how my friend put it, a “touch and go” trip. we left on friday after friday prayers about 3pm+ and reached penang 715pm, the next day we were already back in kl by 820pm.

syauQi’s late grandmother’s house bukan umah kampung, kt housing area. unlike my embah’s house back in pontian where my kids were free to run around. Kids got restless coz they can’t run around. the house is facing the main road. Before leaving back to penang i decided to pay my friend’s mom a visit, where they have paddy field just infront of their house.

On the way up, hArith saw the paddy field yg belum ade pape..just air. he thought if was a pool. i explained to him, and he was like “plant got rice?? nasi putih??” They were so amazed at the greens that they refused to look at the camera

busy throwing stone in…

after much attempt asking them to look at the camera, i only got this

yup, he’ll do that face whenever i ask him to smile

they were simply busy exploring the paddy field

finally, got him to wave to the camera.

oh can u believe it, my super clingy boy have improve soo much now since i sent him to school (and wean off) in fact his teacher labeled him as Mr. Independent! Wowww weee, that is so different than at home. but then again, of coz we do notice how good he is nowadays. no more clingy. See, happily exploring all by himself

ajak balik pun tak heran, lex je kena tinggal,

siap kena dukung die sbb refuse to balik

xnk kena dukung punye pasal, baru lah tekedek2 nak balik

where is athirAh? taking her 10 nins power nap that kept her energetic the whole journey back. Great experience for the 2 boys, they love it.

p/s: hyda if you are reading this, kite makan durian kt umah kamu yer, and goreng pisang yg sgt sedap. and oh knp adik kamu dh photostat muka kamu tapi kamu skrang photostat muka najwa?

and oh..hArith sempat basuh bilik ayor umah kamu, dgn gembiranye die amiq berus menyental sambil bgtau mak kamu “hArith wash jamban” 😀

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Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE

Newborn Photography : Baby Khalish Imran

By on May 6, 2010

Few months back i did promotion on my photography package, and one of them who took up this promotion was Neeza. At first we thought of having a maternity portraiture but due to her pregnancy condition we decided to have a newborn portraiture instead.

When i first got the news saying her baby was 2.2kg, it brought me back down to memory lane, those days when athirAh and hArith were soo tiny. Neeza’s husband is syauQi’s colleague, thus i forced syauQi to come along with me so he can convince Johan to allow me to tonggeng2 kn his son. I was also lucky this time around, not only i got support from syauQi, i also had Hafiz to mentor me during this assignment.

Lil Khalish grandparents and greatgrandmother were around, i’m glad i was still able to tonggeng2 kn the cucu/cicit. The moyang was super cool, she had no problem seeing the cicit without baju, siap boleh comment, wahh bes lah die tak pakai baju.

This was the longest photo session i had, from 2:30pm till 7:30pm! It took us awhile to comfort the baby. Baby sempat kecing 4 kali and poo poo 3 kali, three times were on me 🙂 There were couple of breastfeeding interval trying to get the baby to sleep. I was tellling myself, by hook or by crook i want to get my photos done; photos that i already visualize in my head. Im glad the parents, syauQi and Hafiz was being patience with me. Willing to wait.

I guess enough of rambling and let the photos do the talking. Im having problem choosing which photos to put up here though..

Hmm, and i dont kow why. im always attracted to those tiny lil toes of newborn 😉



as i mentioned earlier on, the moyang was so cool..even when she saw me placing her cicit in this hanging pod, she commented “oh besnye die duduk dlm endoi”.

I spent total of 5 hours at neeza’s place trying to get Khalish into various position. He was wide awake when we arrived. After few breastfeeding intervals, couple of times urinate and pass motion we finally get him to sleep peacefully =D

Khalish Imran bin Johan

13th April 2010


Thanks to the parents, Neeza and Johan for such patience allowing us to spent 5 hours at your place. In fact that was the first time we our the kids at home for such duration.

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Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE

Newborn Photography

By on May 5, 2010

I promise myself that i will update my blog today, but time flies rather fast. It is already 1230pm and i gotta fetch my kids from school.

Perhaps i shall share with you a lil teaser on my newborn photography session held on Monday with Hafiz as my mentor and husband as my moral support 😀



Stay tune for more photos of Baby Khalish Imran, weigh at only 2.28kg at birth.

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