

By on May 1, 2010

All my 3 kids are with different hairstyle,

hArith with straight hair and grows rather fast but refuse to get it cut with excuse “want same like mOmmy”

athirAh with her unruly curly hair who refuse to tie her hair. and at times even have problem getting her to comb her hair

while uZAir, the one with wide forehead..without hair infront

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Personal Photography Lesson

By on April 29, 2010

Last year around, i went to Hafiz studio for our white studio family photo session. And this time around i saw him offering one to one photo session. I immediately msg him to enquire futher, he said it is a mentoring session where i design the lesson, what i wish to know and learn. This was exactly what i need, to answer to my dilemmas on photography and such.

So today, i had the session at my house. Im happy that Hafiz could cater to my needs coz with my 3 kids i cant be out of the house for whole day. Kids were well behaved and hArith was my model most of the time, the other 2 were busy with my relatives that came for visiting.

The easiest way to get hArith to be my model without the need of me running and chasing him was to allow him to take his shower outside at the patio. Here are some of my photos taken just now with the help of Hafiz

after the shower, wrap nicely in his towel

The lesson lasted from 10am till 730pm at the comfort of my house where i need not worry about the kids. Thanks to Hafiz and of coz a big thank you to En suami for his great support =)

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By on April 27, 2010

Yes, im sure there are lots of people out there having doubts in this product, thinking that it is just like any other MLM product. I don’t blame you, cause i was also in your shoes  before this. However after doing all the needed research myself, i found out that the founder of USANA is not just another Tom Dick or Harry who is business minded wanting to make money out of MLM,  the Founder of USANA is Dr Myron Wentz who is a world renowned microbiologist and immunologist, winner of the Albert Einstein Award For Lifetime Achievements in the Life Sciences.

USANA is also listed in Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) and the Master Index of Medical Specialities (MIMS), USANA’s products are listed in the PDR and MIMS, which certainly adds credibility to USANA. USANA has been independently tested by NSF  International (www.nsf.org) a non profit organization that sets standards for consumer products and then tests them. USANA products are manufactured according to pharmaceutical grade GMP . This means that the consistency, potency and disintegration is tested . It also ensures that the exact ingredients and dosages stated on the label is in the bottle. This is important since food grade supplements aren’t regulated or tested and you have to take the manufacturers word for what is in the product. USANA contains only what is on the label , no additives, toxins or fillers

And i guess, the product speak by itself as there are various testimonials all around this blogsphere, and USANA is being rated 5 star from the book NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements, while other brand like GNC only gets from 1 – 2 star.

Besides that recently, USANA won again the Brand Laureate Awards ( http://www.thebrandlaureate.com/ ), USANA won the award for category Best Brands in Wellness – Health Supplement. It is not all about MLM coz USANA didnt get the category for Best Brands in Consumers – Multi-Level Marketing, which was won by Amway by the way.

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USANA and eczema

By on April 26, 2010

Here’s a recent testimonial i received:


Alhamdulillah I can see the improvements.

Like I mentioned before, takde lagi gatal bagai nak rak. And now some areas dah smooth to the touch, even tho can still see the scars left behind from scratching. But alhamdulillah no new ones are popping up. Oh also, I am able to use oils or creams to help moisturize my skin. Kalau dulu, lepas letak apa apa je, sure gatal balik.

The only downside is kena makan 3 times a day. Kadang2 tu ada jugak lupa…hehe”

Anyway, there’s a common misconception on being a member of USANA. Most people said they do not want to be USANA member cause they do not want the hassle of meeting sales target and such. Well you dont have to. Being  a member gives u the privilege of purchasing it at members’ price and the convenient of purchasing it online, everything at the click of your mouse and they will deliver it to your doorstep. You don’t have to worry about meeting sales target, you may be a member and just purchase for your personal usage.  And besides that, you have the opportunity to attend to various health talk and you also have the advantage to email the nutritionist if you have any enquiries on the product.

I was at the HQ just now and a men approach me saying he wants to buy the product but not a member, thus would like me to help him to purchase for him. Upon asking, why not be a member since he is using the product regularly, he told me that he didnt want the hassle of meeting sales target. And also, i have few people who told me that, they were inform by their friends they need to buy products amounting to more than RM2000. Again, you need not get yourself committed to buy such product up to that amount. Membership price is only RM99 and you only need to purchase product that you wish to use. Those who said you need to buy up to RM2000 is trying to get you to be an active dealer. As i said, there is no need of such situation, you only buy what you need. Period.

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House chore

By on April 25, 2010

After a year plus having this maid with us, she pretty much understood my style of raising the kids. Perhaps some readers have notice, i always allow them to feed the curiosity and not too discourage their interest.

Lately hArith will scream on top of his lung whenever the maid goes out to throw the rubbish. he insists on following. So after few days of screaming n yelling nak ikut, the maid allowed him to follow. and soon after, he insist of carrying the big black plastic sampah. Of coz it is rather heavy for him and the maid wouldnt allow him to do so coz he end up dragging it, kang tekoyak plastic bocor lagi haru. so maid was being firm he can only follow. And after couple of days insisting on carrying the rubbish, the maid cateer to his need. A small plastic bag of rubbish for him to carry each time he follows the maid out to throw the rubbish.

Even gave me a smile when i asked him to stop for a shot

He insists of throwing the plastic bag all by himself

yes, uZAir pun interested to follow, y lar my boys yg rajin not my gal? hmm…

and yes, hArith is more comfortable barefooted…

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