
Erythema Multiforme and USANA

By on April 22, 2010

A friend text me sometime back asking about USANA, she’s suffering from a skin problem called erythema multiforme, it is like red patches all over her body and after awhile the reddish slowly darken and ended up it look like scar. She went through various blood test and also skin biopsy. She said she will give USANA a thought first cause of the price factor. I wouldnt want to be pushy so i told her it’s okay, anytime she wish to place an order can just buzz me.

She tried all kind of medication and was desperate for a cure cause she’s getting married in Jun. About a month ago she text me. I explain to her USANA is a cellular nutrition, it is not an overnight healing process as it takes time to heal internally. It does not act like creams where it would make it disappear very fast and also recurrence rate will be rather fast too. She understood me well. She have tried all kind of steroid base cream and just like i said, and the recurrence rate is rather fast. She wanted something permanent.

Since she’s getting married in Jun and wanted something fast, i told her she should use the complete supplement. But at this point, she said price is not an issue coz she’s really desperate for a cure.

Alhamdulillah, she said her skin is improving, takde baru terbit and yg lame is slowly healing. Since she’s a nurse she understood well that it will take sometime for it to heal. But she’s more than happy that no new ones appear. The other day, syauQi met her fiancee and asked about the skin condition. Wahh, the fiancee was very happy, he said now her face looks very radiance.

It is comment for USANA consumer to have very yellowish urine at the early stage of consuming it, this indicates that the body is flushing out all the toxin in the body. This gal said her urine was very yellow for more than 2 weeks, i guess she really have lots of toxin to flush out, MAYBE the toxin choose to exit via her skin. MAYBE

This is how the skin condition look like. And my friend have it not only at her hand, but all over her body.

pic [google]

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A Good Sleep

By on April 20, 2010

I woke up this morning feeling so much rejuvanated, i actually slept through out the nite! After 5 days, weaning off nite bf for uZAir, he actually slept through the whole nite. Amazing!!! And the elder two slept well too. Usually middle of the nite, hArith will climb up my bed and join us. But this time around he slept on his bed till morning. athirAh slept well too. It was simply amazing, after years of interupted sleep, i finally slept through. It surely felt wonderful.

I know this could be just one of the nights, tonite it will be back to the usual interrupted sleep. But that’s okay… at least i had one night to treassure =) But of coz, i’m hoping all my nights from now on will be the same like last nite =)

For other moms out there, the key to weaning off is Determination. Yes, Determination. I was very closee to lift my tshirt on the 2nd nite and bf uZAir coz i could hardly open my eyes then. But i told myself, there’s no turning back or else he will be really confused what happen last nite where he wasnt allow to bf. Did he do anything wrong? To avoid such confusion, i went through again all the dramas of crying on top of his lung, kept on reassuring him, it wasn’t a torture or such but he’s a big boy, no more bf. And also it need lots of hugging and kisses for reassurance, you are doing this not because u no longer love him.

Next, potty training…I’m ready for it but the maid yg tarik muka bile i said i wanna start potty training. She knows, there will be lots of incident tekencing rata2…haha. But the father pun cam tak bising lagi that we need to cut down expenditure of the diapers.

For the time being, mothers out day..share with me how do you potty train ur kids plz

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Kamikaze Blast

By on April 19, 2010

Guess what is this?

Need a lil hint?

Yup something to do with water, for our hot sunny weather. WE had so much fun in the garden yesterday. Mak pak budak pun skali naik syok, sanggup baju2 proper2 pun basah. Tak sempat nk masuk dalam tukar baju pun, jeles tgk budak2 syiok sgt…so nk lah jugak pekena seround dua.

Orait2, what am i talking about? You are supposed to guess aight




















I got my bro to do the demo for the kids coz at first i didn’t want to get myself wet.

hArith was soo excited that straight away giving it a try without changing his diaper.

It was funny to see when hArith had the idea that he should start running further for greater impact. Well, yes he got the idea right tapi his running speed remains the same so it makes no different actually went he reaches the thingy. In fact it make it worst coz by the time he reaches the zone dah cam tired…hihi. very cute though

psst, ade gaya cam bodygurad baywatch tak? hihi

athirAh refused to run like hArith, she was enjoying the water in the middle of it, where the water berkumpul. So we had to do the manual way to get her to slide down the Kamikaze Blast. Please note, not to copy this action of bapak “campak” anak if your kids have never been exposed to this kind of stunt ya.

after seeing the kids, i couldnt stop myself from giving it a try..hihi

Thank you pApa,

Yes, our Sunday was definitely a blast!

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Complete wean off

By on April 17, 2010

Im so happy and impress with the progress of weaning off uZAir. As i mentioned in previous post, i started weaning him off during the day. At night he still wakes up and bf. But i was firm enough not to let him bf to sleep. Only when he wakes up middle of nite he bf. After 3 weeks of complete success of no bf during the day, and “complete success” means he no longer ask for it at all. The first week, he did ask but i distract him from asking for it.

On last Tuesday, my instinct said i should start to wean off during the night too. As much as I expect, he scream on top of his lung. That woke both the brother and sister up. And even my maid. He was screaming non-stop, hempas2 badan and all. I carried him out to watch the tv. That kept him silent for a minute or so and then he started pointing to the bedroom. brought him in, he showed sign that he wanted to lie down on the bed. Place him on the bed, on The Wiggles and he started crying less. I hug him and tried to put him to sleep. After total of 20 mins of screaming and yelling, he finally slept. But it didn’t end there. He woke up 3 times. So the drama repeated 3 times too.

On the 2nd nite, samething happen, 3 episode of the same drama. At first i was so sleepy that i couldnt bother to go tru the drama. I was sooo close to lifting up my tshirt to bf him so i could continue my sleep. But alhamdulillah i had the determination to proceed with the battle of weaning off. I told myself, there’s no turning back or else he will be wondering what actually happen yesterday that he was denied access to my b**by.

On the 3rd nite, syauQi was already back from work. Uzair, woke up as usual and started screaming. I brought him out to watch the tv to distract him. He was till screaming out loud, and syauQi came out with annoyed face “ssshhh, quiett uZAir!!” i told syauQi not to scold him coz it is not as though by choice he wishes to go through that drama, all he knows is that he wants to bf but not getting it hence the anger. I continued hugging and kissing him telling him how much i love him and that he is such a good boy yada yada yada. Again, went through 3 episode of it .

On the 4th nite, he gets the idea of it. He woke up, cried a lil for a while, i hug him and he continued sleeping.

Last nite (5th nite), things got smoother, the moment he woke up…he’ll come to me. He’ll sleep in my arm while i tepuk2 him and continue his sleep…

Alhamdulillah, things are getting better by nite. Hope tonite, he will sleep through the whole nite. hihi

Looks like im getting closer in getting my beauty sleep, insyaAllah =)

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Balancing on their Little Tikes

By on April 16, 2010

Look at this two adik beradik, searching for some thrill in their daily activities. Instead of the usual ride in their little tikes, athirAh came out with something new,

hArith have to stand on the other side to so the car wont topple over while athirAh climb on it. He’s putting his weight to help stable kn the car

it’s cute to see their teamwork. After much trial and error, and the car asyik topple over, hArith figured out to stand there and place his weight on that side of the car

I don’t hae picture of athirAh standing on it coz i was there in case togolek jatuh. But by the time hArith wanted to stand, the maid was already around to jaga incase tegolek. so i had a chance to take photo of him

athirAh got excited to see hArith standing on the car, and she insisted to take photo of hArith. Here’s the photo taken by athirAh

Hihi, nampak kepala jer, without the car. hArith actually smiled for athirAh hokey! =)

p/s: jom mOmmy bawak rock climbing nak?

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