My Lil Caliphs Activties

At Kiara with the boys

By on April 6, 2010

Last saturday, as usual my boys will be awake earlier than athirAh. and since she was still nicely tucked under the comforter together with syauQi, i decided to bring the two boys out to the park. Furthermore athirAh didnt like the pasir kasar at the stream. This time around we brought some toys to play at the small stream. Weather was good, thanks to the tree for the shade, hihi

Since it was just me and the two boys, i couldnt be bothered to bring extra clothing and such. I wouldnt have enough hand to carry everything and change them. I just brought towels to place it on their carseat. They surely enjoyed their saturday morning

and here’s uZAir

and after awhile, he was eyeing on something else…

guess what?

the playground…

and oh something happen, on the way back to the car hArith trip himself. In the car, he complained to me sakit and i notice his toe was bleeding. i told him, will pun minyak gamat one we reach home. So i did exactly that, sapu minyak gamat and searched for plaster. funny thing was, when i found the plaster i asked if it still hurts and asked for his (injured) toe, he said yes sakit but gave me the wrong toe. so tu maknenye ape? sakit ke tak? hihihi

On another note, after 3 weeks of schooling, today first time uZAir did not cry upon seeing me when i came to fetch him. All this while, the nminute he sees me he will stop doing whatever his doing and make his fake cry. There was once, i sneak in queitly, he was happily jumping around to the music. And i called him slowly “psst…uZAir…”, he turned around and started crying. Aiyooo byk terror belakon woo, haha 

* a number of ppl inform me that my RSS feed is not working. sadly i do not know how to fix that, thus alternatively to visit my blog often and not to rely on the rss feed ya 😉

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Progress of Weaning Off: Part 2

By on April 2, 2010

Fuh i can finally sit down and spend sometime updating my blog. Sorry for the hiatus, my parents were away for almost 2 months leaving me behind to handle all the household, running errands, settle bills, sorting out their letters and such. my precious 3 hours in the morning mostly spend doing all those. and on top of that, weaning off uZAir from bf and the elder 2 from bottle took much of my time too. the first 2 weeks of weaning off i had to bring them out every day and nite for them to have their nap and sleep and night. so i was more often out then at home. Now it is the 3rd week weaning off and alhamdulillah im very happy that we no longer need to go for a drive. hArith have master the art of sleeping without bottle. he can take his nap all by himself *clap*clap*. and for this week, twice uZAir okto his nap all by himself too. athirAh? oh its common for  her not to take any nap. and for the past four nights, i managed to put all 3 to sleep all by myself! yes, without the help of syauQi or the maid. wahh very proud of myself (sorry angkat bakul coz it  is all the hardwork i went tru, harus lah nk angkat bakul. no joke hokey putting all 3 to sleep without bf and their bottles)

yup i think i tweet too much about their weaning off progress which i think i might have bore others. that was the only way to keep me going and keep me sane. seriously i ws sooo close of briniging out those bottles again. (yes we did the ritual of throwing it,but soon after i collected all and hide in just incase we failed) there was once uZAir didnt show any sign of sleeping, it was almost midnite..elder 2 were already asleep and i was sooo sleepy. going for a drive was not an option coz i cant leave the elder 2 behind, thus i took out the bottle, after dirnking 240ml, he finally slept. the next day the maid make the bottle visible to hArith. he was screaming his lung out asking for it. but lucky thing when we went to my inlaws, he had no prob seeing the cousin drinking from bottle. he was showing tantrum asking for the bottle, i almost gave up….but told myself, there is no turning back. so buckle them up in the car and went for a drive. (he was still screaming “nak bottle susu!!!”) passed by the mosque where they just finished friday prayers..he stop crying upon seeing the crowd came out from mosque. we then drove to the mosque where syauQi usually goes, and was so  happy to see pApa coming out from the mosque. finally slept in the car and there ends the drama of nak botol susu.

anyway, after much rambling, here’s photo of the kids my petang. uZAir have the hands for basketball…the way he throws is, hand coordination very good not just the normal campak masuk…

and here’s athirAh who still refuses to tie up her hair, grrrr

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Kids don’t lie

By on March 27, 2010

The 3 siblings were playing and joking around, then they started playing rough and i caught hArith pushing athirAh. I went up to him and said:

mOmmy: don’t push around! which hand push athirAh? this one? (and i took his right hand and gave a light smack on his palm)

with a sincere look, he look up at me and said: ” no this one” as he took out his left hand to me.

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Fiesta without Hot Air Balloon

By on March 26, 2010

Yes we went to the Hot Air Balloon fiesta but we were dissapointed to know there wasn’t any hot air balloon. Weather wasn’t good. Last year, we went on Friday morning, we saw the hot air ballon but it didnt take off coz apparently it is the DCA ruling, they can’t flew it before noon. So this year around we went in the evening, but weather was windy and about to rain,hence no hot air balloon =(

So this year lagi hampa, coz langsung tak nmpak hot air balloon, wanted to go the next day, tp cuaca ptg tu cam nk hujan jugak. However, I got what i wish for! hArith loves all kind of transportation. While nicely seated in his car seat, he will look out naming all the vehicle that passed him “fuel kanker” (fuel tanker) “cement micture” (cement mixer) “crane” tractor” “emily” “syakeel” “hugo” (he mentioned his school friend’s name according to the car their parents drove”. And once in a while he’ll be excited to see ambulance and police car but he hardly get to see fire engine.

I once told syauQi, can we like just crash into the fire station, ckp ngan bomba tu my anak nk tgk fire engine. syauQi said we will need letter of permission to do so. Kalau ikutkn mmg lah nk main gamble je masuk, takkan lah pakcik2 tu kang tak kesian tgk muka anak saya yg teruja tgk fire engine yg gedabak besar itu.

Lucky us, i need not tebalkn muka masuk balai bomba coz we saw a fire engine nicely park by the side. Showed to hArith and he was amazed to see it, insisted of going nearer. He didn’t expect it to be that big coz all this while he only see small sizes picture in the book . So muka die teruja sama cam die tgk gajah dulu. Unfortunately didnt capture his first reaction face towards the fire engine

Ni bukan saya pendek, Encik Bomba tu yg tinggi, 6 kaki lebih Encik tu

Cube u all close up look at athirAh’s attire. Did u notice that she’s wearing a swimming suit? Yup she insisted on wearing it sbb nk pegi swim. Tried to change her attire she refused, so i ended up putting a skirt on it so it doesnt look obvious.

Since there wasnt any hot air balloon we went nearer to the lake to see those wat u call it, ball floating in the lake where human can get into the ball, rase cam hamster lah pulak, lari2 dlm bola tu.

and my gal thought, we bringing her for a swim at the lake! had to hold on tight to her…

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Fridge Magnet for USANA Customer

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Here’s your opportunity to receive free fridge magnet by purchasing USANA product *

Currently I have fridge magnet from Rome, you may expect fridge magnet from other countries soon =) Lets decorate your fridge now with this Colosseum Rome.


*Terms n Condition applied and while stock last

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