Last saturday, as usual my boys will be awake earlier than athirAh. and since she was still nicely tucked under the comforter together with syauQi, i decided to bring the two boys out to the park. Furthermore athirAh didnt like the pasir kasar at the stream. This time around we brought some toys to play at the small stream. Weather was good, thanks to the tree for the shade, hihi
Since it was just me and the two boys, i couldnt be bothered to bring extra clothing and such. I wouldnt have enough hand to carry everything and change them. I just brought towels to place it on their carseat. They surely enjoyed their saturday morning
and here’s uZAir
and after awhile, he was eyeing on something else…
guess what?
the playground…
and oh something happen, on the way back to the car hArith trip himself. In the car, he complained to me sakit and i notice his toe was bleeding. i told him, will pun minyak gamat one we reach home. So i did exactly that, sapu minyak gamat and searched for plaster. funny thing was, when i found the plaster i asked if it still hurts and asked for his (injured) toe, he said yes sakit but gave me the wrong toe. so tu maknenye ape? sakit ke tak? hihihi
On another note, after 3 weeks of schooling, today first time uZAir did not cry upon seeing me when i came to fetch him. All this while, the nminute he sees me he will stop doing whatever his doing and make his fake cry. There was once, i sneak in queitly, he was happily jumping around to the music. And i called him slowly “psst…uZAir…”, he turned around and started crying. Aiyooo byk terror belakon woo, haha
* a number of ppl inform me that my RSS feed is not working. sadly i do not know how to fix that, thus alternatively to visit my blog often and not to rely on the rss feed ya 😉