
Do you know that

By on February 18, 2010

– Chronic disease is responsible for 60% of all deaths worldwide?
– 1970 in the US for every 100,000 people there was 700 with several types of cancer?
– 2007 in the US for every 100,000 people there are 15000 with several types of cancer?
– The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2007 about 168,000 cancer deaths are expected to be caused by tobacco use?
– Scientific evidence suggest that about one third of the 556,650 cancer deaths expected to occur in 2007 will be related to overweight or obesity , physical inactivity, nutrition and thus can also be PREVENTED?
– Most Cancers do not result from inherited genes but from damage (mutation) to genes that occur during one’s lifetime. Mutations may results from internal factors such as hormones or the digestion of nutrients within cells, or external factors such tobacco,chemicals  and sunlight?
– There are 20.8 million children and adults in the United States, or 7% of the population, who have diabetes. While an estimated 14.6 million have been diagnosed, unfortunately, 6.2 million people (or nearly one-third) are unaware that they have the disease?
– The total annual economic cost of diabetes in 2002 was estimated to be $132 billion, or one out of every 10 health care dollars spent in the United States?
– Almost half of chronic disease deaths occur in people under the age of 70?
– Around the world, chronic disease affects women and men almost equally?
– One billion adults are overweight – without action, this figure will surpass 1.5 billion by 2015?
– 22 million children under five years old are overweight?
– If the major risk factors for chronic disease were eliminated, at least 80% of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes would be prevented; and 40% of cancer would be prevented?
– The major risk factors for chronic disease are an unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and tobacco use?

Degenerative diseases are the ones in which the function or structure of the affected tissues or organs will progressively deteriorate over time, whether due to normal bodily wear or lifestyle choices such as exercise or eating habits. The four mayor degenerative diseases that are affecting people around the world are DIABETES, CANCER, CARDIOVASCULAR and Strokes.

Well, i notice that there are lack of awareness of nutritional supplements. Most people tak amiq supplements thinking that there they dont need it since they are perfectly healthy. Yes alhamdulillah we are healthy, but since  i was young (n i’m still young btw, hihih) my mom will always remind us to take our supplement.

Little do we know that for the most part, we suffer from painful degenerative diseases because we deny to our bodies the proper nutrients to maintain health. For this reason Nutrition have to be the start of your lifestyle to get optimal health. Your daily diet must provide the essential nutrients for cells to function properly. To maintain health, we need a diversity of vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, and other nutrients. Although we receive many of these nutrients from our diets, it’s impractical and virtually impossible to obtain an optimal those through diet alone.

I’m sure most of you are aware today’s food is full of chemicals and hormones, derivate of their own production process. Back in 1960 the chicken grows process use to take about 3 to 4 months. Now, in our days, one little chicken its feed by hormones and other chemicals ingredients that make his grow process faster. A little one takes 2 to 3 weeks to grow and been prepare to be sell at the stores. Imagine the quantity of bath nutrients that we are ingested.

There are many factors why you should take Nutritional Supplements, and one factor is the environment. With the world rapidly changing, there are more toxins in the air and water we drink, and the foods we eat. With our bodies having to operate twice as hard to eliminate these toxins, supplements are a big help to our bodies to get rid of the harmful toxins. Stress is also a factor on your body and can put your body at risk for many different things, such as a lower resistance to diseases. Taking in supplements can get your immune system strengthened up and help your body function a lot better.

Nowadays, the market is flooded with all types of supplements intended for specific needs and thus it is upon us to choose what works best for us. Nonetheless, we should always be aware that these supplements are not meant to replace our diet. Because our bodies lack the natural nutrients, the gap can be filled with the intake of the nutritional supplements. The reason why this natural food lacks the essential nutrients is because of the changing ways of farming. Soil degradation and modern day farming have affected the nutritional value of food that is why a daily natural supplement is inevitable.

Nowadays, vegetables and fruits contain less minerals and vitamins unlike five decades ago when the nutritional content was high. These nutrients and vitamins that are lacking in our present day food have been packed in healthy tablets that will serve as the supplements that our bodies need. What have caused this lack of nutrients in our food are the technological changes, but it is still technology again that will enable us to bridge this gap of being malnourished to getting healthier.

[abstract from various articles via google]

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Breastfeeding Campaign

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Hi readers, i’m helping my friends to spread the news of the campaign on breastfeeding. Help me to help her in spreading the news =) Especially to those yg mmg stay that side, so weekend tu instead of gi Jusco AU or Wangsa Walk (betul ke name die) ape kate go drop by at the campaign =)

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By on February 17, 2010

Last week, i did tweet that En Suami sgt sweet. So what was that about? He did bbq for me AND my friends. I buat bunyi sedih (tp mmg sedih pun), “kesian i mane ade dpt jumpe kawan i, u bleh lah gi mamak after badminton / futsal…dh lah dpt main  sports, dpt lepak ngan kawan pulak tu. i ni dok umah jer” Well slalunye if ade bbq, we will invite both of our frens, so ended up i dont get to sit down with my friends much coz i’ll be busy nak replenish food, plates, drinks and such. so when i mentioned that it have been awhile since i jumpe my frens, he agreed to have bbq for us. He did everything! (oh chop, i marinate the ayam =)) he went out with uZAir, pagi2 to get the stuffs needed, ayam, lamb and barang2 to marinate. and oh, we also have macaroni goreng my style. Why do i call it my style? nope, bukan i yg masak,. syauQi cook the fried macaroni too, the way i like it =) Taste perfectly good for me.

Decided to have it pot luck so friends can come help add up the dining table. I was very happy that despite having it last minute, all could make it. They are my friends since skool days. 3 of them whom i already knew since primary and another 3 we knew later in secondary.

It was perfect night for me, only that some where stuck in jam so datang lambat skit. And best part is that, 2 of them have anak too. Previously, i je lah yg senget2 with kids. But now two of them have a daughter and son each. hArith was soo happy to have babies around.

We were busy chatting away, that i didn’t take much photos. But i really did enjoy myself. My dad sempat buat lawak when i told them nk buat bbq coz friends coming over, he asked me “wuish, your friends need to be fed baru nk come over to see u ?” haha

To En. Suami, thanks for taking care of the chicken all by urself, chicken was certainly juicy.It really means alot to me, having the chance to meet up with my friends. Dulu mase takde anak, we would meet up outside every now and then, but now with three kids, if we were to go out for dinner, i’ll ended up chasing after them instead of sitting down catching up with each other.Again, thanks a lot. i really needed that. Well, yes imagine that if you are on leave for a whole month, day n nite ur life revolve around with your kids, not being able to see your friends. In my case, it’s not just a month, but it has been a year or so since i last meet up with them.

All of us after 11 years we left the skool,

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Kuala Gandah again

By on February 16, 2010

Few weeks back hArith been mentioning about elephants. He wanted to go to Kuala Gandah again and get wet by the elpehant. He still remembers the elephant sembut water to him. I mentioned my my parents and since my dad never been to the place, they were willing to go. So after fetching the elder two from skool, off we went to Kuala Gandah.

Some are still not sure,where is Kuala Gandah; take the highway to Kuantan, exit Lanchang. After the toll, turn right.Almost 2 hours journey from my place

Remember this photo in the previous entry? This was his expression upon seeing the elephant the first time

and this was his expression, on our last visit.

(yes it is still a mystery, why my 2 1/2 year old boy still drooling. Premature (?) ?

and here’s athirAh, who still fear elephant

uZAir was soo cool. He wasn’t afraid at all. In fact, gajah blum kena tambat he was already pulling syauQ’s hand asking to bring him to the elephant. Reached out his hand, wanting to touch the gajah

athirAh was crying away. Then gajah lak gi buat bunyi…lagi panic minah ni

here’s my cool boy

he even fed the elephant. at first cam not sure can he do it, so my dad showed him

then, helped him,

and he did all by himself,

and where was elder two when uZAir was busy feeding the elephant?

there were sitted nicely, watching uZAir dgn penuh khusyuk

i love this pics so much, it is as though saying “gosh, for real uZAir? is he out of his mind..putting his hand out to the elephant” and believe it not, this is the  first picture i managed to capture. of both of them sitting closely together.

and athirAh even clapped her hand after uZAir successfully fed the elephant..haha. while hArith still in disbelieve?? “Biar benar adik aku nie?”

all three, went for a ride with the elephant. as expected the elder 2 cried..hihi

uZAir cool as usual, even pose for the camera. he even looked out for me (the camera), trying to wave his hand

my dad did get a ride on the elephant in the water, and got himself toss…tapi i didnt manage to get a photo of him, i was waiting at the other end..aiyoo

thus ened up taking photo of others being toss

uZAir, surely had a great time.

other random pictures of the elephant,

baby elephant drinking milk…

elephant getting a “car wash”

oh unfortunately, not all elephants were capable of splashing the water using their trunk. And the elephant that able to do so was not in ‘action’ during the day. Thus, hArith was rather dissapointed not getting himseld wet by the elephant…

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Special Delivery

By on February 9, 2010

Glad to know that more people are believing in USANA, unfortunately that resulted in delay in delivery for USANA by city link. It now takes longer than usual. At times it takes up more than a week.

However i have good news for u, im offering Special Delivery to those who wish to order any USANA product via me. I’ll go to the HQ, purchased the product and get it posted to u by Pos Laju. Therefore, insyaAllah u’ll received it the next day.

So if u wish to order anything, you know the drill. Email me a munirahpunye@yahoo.com and i’ll be more than happy to provide you with my Special Delivery services =)

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