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In December my Embah pass away and yesterday received another sad phone call. My bibi’ called me up saying her husband “dah takde”. Paman passed away due to heart attack. It was certainly a shocking news to all of us. It was a very short phone call “hAnim, paman Sumari dah takde, bagitau bapak. kalau bapak balik tolong amiq annuar ek”. Her son is studying in Rembau , so if we all balik Pontian, to fetch the son on the way.

I feel really sorry for the family. Arwah’s eldest daughter (my cousin) is getting married in 2 weeks time! I really can’t imagine myself in such situation. While busy preparing for the wedding, her dad passed away. I’m sure it is very tough for the whole family.

Alfatihah to Paman Sumari

p/s: ye kami orang jawa. My dad is javanese. and i still feel it is such a waste i wasn’t thought the language. if not bile maid bergossip bagai on the phone kan senang bleh paham ape their conversation. if ade plan nak lari ke..ha  bleh lah tau. my dad and siblings still speaks 100%  javanese bile kat kampung.

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Shmontel in d house

By on February 6, 2010

I just got back from shmontel’s aqiqah and realised that my entry of them is still in my draft. Yes, i did write a teaser of them, and never get around to complete my draft. When i got the invitation via FB, i told myself…wah ni sudah wajib pegi since they took the trouble of coming over my place instead of the other way round. So off i went with all three, syauQi is not around thus it was just me and the 3 lil rascals. I didn’t have enough hand to take any photos, i did bring my camera though, cume tak cukup tangan. Now that i’m back home, i decided to sit down n complete my draft:

Last weekend, saya agak tidak senonoh. Instead of visiting the newborn baby at her crib i invited them over. That shouldnt be the way aight. Husband was away for work but i didnt want to miss the opportunity of seeing Khadeeja again, i miss the opportunity when they were here for a week. But this time around they were here only for the weekend before heading back to Seremban.

When i saw this tweet from Mai:

 jom jom girls outing day tomorrow.. kat mana? Ou? The curve? yay!!! (yar right?!?) haha. Yup, am at kj 😉 5 days ago from Tweetie

I immediately replied : kat my house! =)

Yes i invited Mai over to my place but didnt expect much. Ye lah, org baru abis pantang kan. But woow to my surprise, i saw a direct msg on my twitter from her. Wow weee, she said she’s coming over. Good thing i had the instict to check out twitter.

I wanted to do tutu for baby DJ but with 30mins notice, i only came out with a simple one. measurement pun tak betul sgt. Managed to take few photos of baby while Mai’s husband was very good at entertaining my 3 lil rascals. Believe it or not, athirAh cried when they left asking for “unclee!!”

I was requested not to place mom’s photo here, but managed to get her permission…hence i’m putting up the not-so-close-up photo =)

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Brotherly Love

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Since baby hArith has always been the loving one. Even now, when it’s bedtime, he wants to hug me.

The other night, when i woke up for breastfeed uZAir, i saw him huggin athirAh. And when i woke up for subuh, his hand was still on athirAh. Quickly i took the camera, fix the flash and took a picture of it


and he’s is getting cheeckier, even school teachers commented on this. He have all kinds of expression nowadays



Since husband started taking it, and another friend of him that i mentioned previously…more of his friends have started taking it. All with the same problem. Sakit lutut sbb dok main lots of sports. To date, 6 of his friends are using it. One of them had both knees operated and now recovering. He started taking in about a week and can already see improvement in going up the stairs.

I have relatives who asked me, how come org muda skrang byk dh sakit lutut? My answer? Coz nowadays sume org muda mudi main  futsal, hard turf. Dulu org main bola padang…so its kind-er to the knee. Lagi2 if dah put on weight as compared to zaman sek dulu main atas padang rumput..bile lari we are putting pressure on our knee, hence the sakit lutut

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Kids Activities

Colourful Lil Explorer

By on February 3, 2010

Firstly, wanna appologize for taking quite sometime to update my blog. Sorry to those parents who have been waiting for their child’s photo. Byk sgt gmbar, bepinau gak nk tgk, pilih, resize and watermarking. And now im not sure how do i write an entry on this. Just tempek gambar or do i need to do lil review on it?

i’ll just write watever flow that comes out of my head ya…

Alhamdulillah, weather was very kind to us that day…all were busy in the garden. tp sbb mostly dah besar and ade perasaan malu, ade few yg taknk be on just diapers. Emma even cried when her mom nak change her baju, malu lah depan kawan2 bukak baju

tgk tu, berkaca lagi mata die…

Emma doesnt quite like the idea of getting dirty,

perhaps she was in a lil shocked to see her hands all covered in colours

xpe, there’s always a first time to everything. Its okay if she prefers to watch around. It’s all about the idea of exposing our lil’ ones to different activities

I’m sure she did pick up a thing or two by observing others =) And after awhile, yay her parents managed to get her footprint

and here’s Afif looking very clean at the beginning of the session

and he prefers to stay clean just like Emma

both of them stood in the middle, they prefered to observed others instead =)

anyhow, her mom managed to get her son’s handprint

Ilhan pun at first wasn’t comfortable with the idea getting his hands covered with paint

But ended up he had great time with the paint, in fact he had the longest attention span with the paint

Farah from 5577studio helping out with the foot stamping


It took awhile for Sofea to warm up, but i was happy to see her smiling away after that. Shows that she did enjoy herself too

Smiling away waiting for a new sheet of paper

busy stamping her handprint

oh look at this pic, sofea gigih berusaha nk buat peace, trying to put up two of her fingers while holding the paper

And this is Ammar’s second time joining session by KIDS in CHARGE. He came previously for the baking session.

One of the advantage of having a playgroup is that kids get to mingle and observe others. By observing others, they’ll get more idea and exposure. Below, Ammar pointing to other’s artwork,

At the end of the day, while waiting for his dad, Ammar played with hArith. Ammar’s mom did mentioned during the baking session that he wants Ammar to mingle around. And alhamdulillah this time around, during the finger painting session, he played with hArith. And we were working on to get him to share the car 😉

He likes the car sooo much. In fact dah sorok utk elak kn berebut…tapi ade yg jumpe

And just like the lil crawlers, the explorer had the same fun to end the finger painting session , the water sprinkler…

Ilhan drinking…hihi

And Ilhan didnt want to allow her mom to get close to him…he wanted to play with the water longer. Whenever his mom did and attempt to take him, he’ll direct the water to his mom. Smart ya!

So ended up mak bapak sume diri jauh2

While other kids busy playing with the water, Emma still khusyuk observing

and Afif lak stood still, didn’t move even an inch. Parents die kate sbb jarang pijak rumput. So it was totally a new texture for him

Thanks to all parents that enrolled their children. My Saturday was full with colours, morning and evening =)

and oh hArith had his hand n foot printing too

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