

By on January 23, 2010

mOmmy: hArith, how are you?

hArith: *silent*

mOmmy: I am …. (giving some help)

hArith: cool!!!

yes, he said it loud and clear, cool!!! instead of “fine thank you”

was teaching him to answer “I am fine thank you”

There you go, hArith claims himself as “cool”, haha

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Sofia’s 3rd Birthday Bash

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Been wanting to do an entry on this but didnt have the time to organise and resize the photos. Well, didn’t managed to take much photos though since the the three kids were running around, athirAh non-stop amiq cawan and played with the water dispenser. hArith and uZAir dok capai sume food.

The deco were superb. Sangat cantek the banner and bunting! Boleh lah if ade rezeki this year punye triple celebration suruh Sofia’s auntie buatkn banner n bunting (ha syauQi baca ayat ni sure dh jeling, amboi2, mak budak dh beria piki bday yg lagi 5 bulan! haha).

Birthday gal was dressed in beautiful cinderalla dress but she became conscious with all the attention she gets. Malu sume org tgk die jadi cinderela. Bday gal kept herself occupied tiup mende tu sbb malu nk tgk org…

Look at the cake, isn’t it luvly!

and nicely decorated cupcakes that matches the theme, made by Shila if im not mistaken

The cupcake sure taste good, look at hArith enjoying it

Shila, if u wish to have advertorial post of finger licking good cupcake…send over box of cuppies to hArith. He’ll do the part well n im sure athirAh n uZAir will njoy doing the ‘finger licking good’ part 😉

Oh did i mention, when we arrived, we were first greeted by a lorry…yes u heard me right. A lorry full of chee cheong fun! We conviniently park ourselves at the table nearest to the lorry..hihi. Farah and Azza later joined us at the table too. Ha, if makan duduk same2 ngan Farah i tak kisah..tp if diri sebelah2 dgn die i kisah…h


the other foods were all superb, luv the nasi goreng n ayam goreng. next time nk order dr u bleh tak the ayam?

And thanks to Zubye, she help took photos of all of us with the bday gal n mom

hArith insists that i carry him sebab nak nearer to the “happy you you” (read: cake)

Thanks again for inviting us. We surely went home with tummy yg sgt kenyang

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mOmmy look!!!

By on January 22, 2010

I was in the room, hArith came running in and said;

hArith: mOmmy look!!!

m0mmy: what? (confused, coz he wasnt holding anything for me to look at)

hArith: arith kentut (fart)

m0mmy: *blank* and what am i suppose to look at?


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My Lil Caliphs Activties

A Stream in the City

By on January 20, 2010

We brought the kids to the park the other day, we’ve been to this park a couple of times but only to the playground area. This time around we decided to take a different path…

hArith no longer wants to sit in the twin stroller with athirAh, i guess he finds it narrow. so he swap stroller with uZAir. They were hAppy to see the artificial waterfall…

but they knew well that they can’t play at the waterfall…so they were eyeing at something else….which is,

We didn’t bring any extra clothes for the kids, so would u let them get wet? Of coz i would…the water was very clear. See, we even have stream in the middle of the city! Yes, this is not artificial

The kids really did enjoy themselves,

except athirAh, syauQi brought her to the playground instead

hArith, terduduk…Nena sempat lagi senyum..haha

hArith was soo amazed with the big size leaf

It was a nice evening in the park, we went home just in time before it rains, kids went home wearing just pampers 😉

And thanks to my sis-in-law for the extra hands

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Kids In Charge: Finger Painting

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**this is a sticky post


For those interested in lil’ crawler, could you please fill up the form here, but do not do any payment yet. The form would help me to do head count for those interested. Minimum of 4 heads needed for us to proceed with the session


Since we are getting good respond from the toddler group, we will have 2 different session.

Little Crawlers:

Saturday 30th Jan


Little Explorer (Toddler) – FULL:

Saturday 30th Jan


Remember the post i did on hArith doing his painting. Some of you might want to have a painting session with your kids but u tend to give it a second thought when ur mind start to picture all the mess that will happen. Do you know that there are lots of benefits of messy play?

Yes, it can be stressful to clear up all the mess, in fact at times the duration of cleaning up is even longer than the duration the kids played. Messy play stimulates their senses. Thats why you can see that I allow my kids to use their fingers to do the painting. Yes, finger painting! The tactile experience gained during messy play helps little ones experience a variety of textures. During messy play, babies and toddlers are developing eye hand coordination and fine motor skills. What looks like a mess on the surface is truly a learning experience for your child. uZAir started finger painting when he was 10 months old.

Some parents said that their child only spend just a min or two and left the table. Well, just because it is messy and only holds their interest for few minutes, should it be done? My answer is Yes.

Each time is a learning experience for them, we can’t expect them to sit for complete 30 minutes, however each time they may add a minute or two of their attention span. It is part of the process to increase their attention span. Each time you get out that messy project they learn a little bit more.

For now, u need not worry about getting your house messy, coz u’ll be doing it at my place. Yes, will be having Finger Painting classes for younger kids. How old? No specific age but for those who can sit and crawl. If you child is only 5 months old but can already sit on his on without support, he is most welcome. And if you child is already 13 months but have yet started walking, still crawling, he/she is most welcome.

We will place a huge paper in the garden and we let the kids go wild with the colours =) Don’t worry about the colours, it is save,we will have homemade colours for your kids. Let them be in their diapers and crawl all over the paper with the colours.

Finger painting is a wonderful activity for curious toddlers and will help them to express their own creativity! Let them express themselves! Not only they get to express themselves, but they also get to interact and socialize with their age group

Fees: RM100 (inclusive of photos!)

* minimum of 4 kids needed for the session to be held

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